(Free Press Release) With fuel prices set to soar and more homes than ever set to live in fuel poverty, gas-elec - leader in the field of gas and electrical safety, services and products - is expecting a rise in orders for the g-save, their unique energy saving boiler economiser.

Easily installed into the controls of most domestic boilers and reasonably priced at £99.00 this fantastic *award winning device is helping households save an average of £230 per year on gas bills.

The g-save works by using a series of timers to control the amount of time the boiler runs whilst at the same time allowing the homeowner to benefit from the heat already in the system. This means the boiler only ´fires up‘ when absolutely necessary and only for as long as genuinely needed.

As John Davidson, Managing Director for gas-elec explains: “As a patented device the g-save is unique because it uses smart technology to work between the room thermostats of most boilers. It is also highly effective at cutting fuel emissions.

“We keep reading in the press that fuel bills are set to rise. Therefore, householders, especially the elderly, should seriously consider getting one installed now before winter sets in.”

For more information about g-save visit http://www.gas-elec.co.uk/reduce-heating-bill.html

*g-save achieved Winner of the Good Housekeeping magazine 'Green Living Award 2009'