Genuine MLM Pros Are Difficult To Locate

Let's be honest. The vast majority of marketers in the multilevel marketing business just don't treat it seriously, don't work on it and do not care. So, that's not automatically terrible. Not everyone could be at the top of the income earners.

However the bad situation is that sometimes these people give this business a bad reputation because they operate in an unprofessional manner. Really think. How many network marketers have you ever run across that you would beyond doubt consider a full on network marketing pro, vs those which do no good in the business? Extremely few, I imagine.

Then, think about the earnings tier of those few as compared to the others. I'm guessing that the majority of those you classify as an MLM pro are growing their organizations, getting some compensation and creating a residual income. The rank and file? Probably merely going nowhere fast.

What Makes Anyone An MLM Pro?

It just may not be necessarily what one may realize. Usually, the top earning MLM'ers aren't Einstein, aren't hotshot salesmen, are never just lucky. They never possess any different super powers. Nonetheless they do be apt to share a few common tools.


They possess tangible goals. (Hint: I don't merely mean they wish they were an astronaut and had a Ferrari and a billion bucks. That's a wish, not a goal.)

A goal is a target that you commit everything to accomplish. They want to build something. They are focused in the direction something. They have a "why". A "why" is a personal motivation for achieving something. Possibly your "why" is to spend more time with your kids. Could be that you abhor slaving at a standard employment. Possibly you want to provide your time to charitable efforts. Or maybe you simply want the career openness that fortune brings.

Whatever it is, an MLM pro has precise goals AND is eager to work for them and NEVER fail!


This is the hard point. A career as a network marketing pro isn't always easy. It's a business of conviction. Of course, we are told tales of immediate successes. But much of us just didn't do it that way. You work and labor, for zilch at first. It's the reverse of what the majority of us are trained to do. We're conditioned to slaving for a wage. It's instantaneous (but limited) gratification.

But attitude is not just patience and belief. It's about a mental state. You need to trust in what you're doing, and recognize that it is fabulous. You need to share that positivity, skip the negative and envelop oneself with the like-minded. A terrific attitude is contagious. Sadly, so are terrible ones.

Commitment to Learning

Look, no one is an instantaneous network marketing pro. Just like any business, there's learning involved. MLM pros understand that, and invest in their learning, practice and develop their talents, obtain the advice of mentors and self-evaluate to continue increasing their skills. Hacks, on the other hand, merely wait for it to magically occur, invest nothing and then be amazed why it just may not be yielding any results for them.

Doctors and lawyers spend 7-10 years (or something like that) in university and invest hundreds of thousands of bucks on that kind of education. Most multilevel marketers expect to make more than they do, yet quit if they don't obtain it in a month or two. They won't even spend a couple hundred bucks on some training materials, or even view free coaching webinars! Absurd!

Commitment to Teaching

Learn and teach. Learn TO teach. Too many MLM'ers sign up people on unrealistic promises, then leave them floundering. An MLM pro is a teacher, coach and mentor. All of us are (hopefully) learning all the time. Blog. Send emails. Conduct webinars. Organize coaching sessions. You don't need to be a professor or Tony Robbins. Nevertheless you do need to be present, willing and available to give your knowledge with eager new downline.

Network marketing pros are able to grow profitable organizations because they nurture the growth of their team. Hacks care only about the signup commission, but are unwilling to invest themselves in their people.

Become an MLM Pro

It could be your first day in multilevel marketing. Or or you're a seasoned veteran. Either way, NOW is the time to get going on. It's never too early, and never too late! Choose right now that you're a Pro, then put it into action!

Karyn Weger is a top Network Marketing Coach both on- and offline. Her unique style combines old school methods with state-of-the-art online marketing techniques to teach this powerful combination to struggling network marketers who want to explode their MLM businesses. If you want to know how Karyn's amazing system generates dozens of hungry network marketers to her business, without bothering family and friends, and without embarrassment or rejection, visit Karyn's Online Money Mastery now.