Best Multi Level Marketing Biz Opps in Canada

Having issues finding a directory of MLM companies in Canada?

Below you'll find a link to a short list of 75+ mlm companies in Canada. What you'll find is most have registered in the United States first and have expanded into Canada. Very few companies actually originate from Canada. What makes it difficult to find them is a lack of a single directory style listing.

It should be a simple matter to locate a comprehensive directory listing of all companies open for business in Canada but, alas, no such luck. So if you want to be thorough you will have to spend a bit of time. Here are links to the best online resources we were able to find.

Canadian-Based MLM - The CMA Org

The CMA (Canadian Marketing Association) compiled information from thirty-eight different sources to compile the 2011 version of the "Marketing Facts". This report offers a fairly up-to-date peek into the MLM industry.

Marketing Facts 2011 offers an industry wide view of the statistics and trends affecting the industry as a whole and network marketing as a sub-set within the industry. The Canadian direct selling market is ripe with opportunity. This report reveals these opportunities and positions within the market place that may give you an advantage. Unfortunately, putting your hands on this dynamic information will cost you a pretty penny. Expect to pay $250 if you are a CMA member and up to $625 if you are not.

Stable Canadian MLM - Party Plan Opportunities

The "home party" concept is more in line with direct selling than network marketing. This concept is especially attractive to women. provides a directory of home party plan companies.

Are you familiar with Avon, Heritage Makers or Marykay? Who isn't, right? And these are just three of the largest home party plan opportunities. The types of products and services offered scan the board.

Best MLM Companies in Canada - the Direct Sellers Assoc.

The Canadian Direct Sellers Association (DSA) offers the most comprehensive directory of MLM Canada companies available. After hours of searching, the DSA directory was a great fine. You'll enjoy it.

The DSA site offers a nice compliment of news, industry stats and other valuable information in addition to their membership directory list - free to anyone searching online.

MLM Companies in Canada - Building a Profitable Business Easy

It doesn't really matter too much which MLM company in Canada you select to start a home business. The rubber really meets the road when you decide exactly what you intend to do with this new opportunity.

Sales and marketing is where all the big money is made in this business. Ask any top income earner from any company what the secret of there success is and it will always point back to marketing.

Because product must move before any one get paid and marketing is what moves products.

So what is your plan to introduce your products and opportunity to people you do not know - once you have worked through the entire list of everyone you do know? What's your plan to get your name, face and new occupation in front of the most number of people most likely to want to purchase your products, services or even partner with you in your new business?

Perhaps one of the most powerful ways to build a "mlm canada" business is to combine the world-wide reach of the internet with the power of direct response marketing and various attraction marketing methods. Done properly, a good attraction marketing system will provide you with a new stream of highly interested prospect every day on complete autopilot.

Willing to start creating wealth on the fast track? Here is the system we recommend to help you get started promoting your new MLM Canada opportunity today.