The moment that even a single tooth is lost, it is important for all individuals to begin seeking out professional dental treatments in order to restore the function of their smile as well as lower their risk for a number of serious health issues that may come as a result of tooth loss. Luckily for these patients, there are now more options than ever when it comes to reinventing a smile from the ground up, and many are now turning towards dental implants in order to enjoy the benefits of a quick and permanent solution after the loss of one or more teeth.

Tooth loss will often be the result of patients that have not had their periodontal disease or tooth decay effectively treated. These two conditions are not only typical, that can seriously damage the mouth over time. Patients will often experience severe damage to their gums as well as their jaws, leading to the loss of one or more teeth. Any excessive damage to the pulp or roots of a tooth can also cause tooth loss.

Removable dentures and dental bridges have traditionally been the only solution for those with missing teeth. Coining these appliances as removable was often a misnomer however. Many times, these two devices were held in place with a powerful bonding solution that would keep them in the mouth for up to 10 years or longer. Even though not every patient enjoyed the level of comfort or appearance that these appliances provided, they were crucial when it came to restoring the patient's mouth and helping them avoid serious medical complications down the road.

Individuals that do not have their tooth loss treated will be at a very high risk for plaque and tartar building up in the mouth. In the area that has been left by the lost teeth, bacteria will often attack the soft palate and could possibly lead to more damage. There is also the risk of facial sagging, a condition that could permanently change the appearance of the individual's face.

This has led many to now ask about the benefits of dental implants. These are surgical appliances that are anchored into the mouth and form a tight bond with the jaw and the surrounding soft tissue. Once the mouth has healed, dental bridges ordental crowns can be attached to the implants to restore the smile.

Even though this treatment option is exceedingly effective, it will not be appropriate for all cases. Individuals that are currently struggling with gum disease may need to have this condition treated first. Those that use tobacco products or drink heavily may also need to speak with their local dentist at length to see if they will make a good candidate for this treatment.

Visit, Los Angeles Dentist Office for more information about dental implants. Our Los Angeles dental implants specialist uses various types of dental implants to replace missing teeth and restore their functionality.