When mastering a challenging language such as Mandarin Chinese it is very important make a very good learning strategy. One particularly good way of doing this is to reference what's called the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, published by Harvard's Howard Gardner. This theory states there are seven distinct kinds of learners, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, and logical-mathematical. This text is going to provide language learning strategies for musical learners, as described by the theory.

What exactly is a Musical Learner?

Musical learners are quite sensitive to rhythm and sound. They're music enthusiasts, for sure, but they are more than that. They are very aware of and sensitive to all sounds in their environment. These individuals study effectively if working with tools such as musical instruments, radio, music, and numerous multimedia devices.

Learning Strategy 1

If you happen to be one of those people who are frequently tapping their toes to the beat of their favorite songs, then, by all means, integrate that passion into your language learning. One way to do that is by turning your current vocabulary words into lyrics. For instance, when you are mastering the right way to talk about feelings and emotions in the Chinese language, compose some sort of song about how you're feeling. After that, sing it back in Chinese. You'll have fun and cement the definitions of your vocabulary words and phrases in your head at the same time.

Learning Strategy 2

Typically, the minds of musical learners have an amazing ability to recollect words and phrases that are spoken rhythmically. If you are one of these people, make the most of this unique gift. For example, if you happen to be attempting to memorize Chinese greetings and introductions, make your job easier simply by speaking all of them rhythmically. If you do, you'll find that you remember much more using much less effort.

Learning Strategy 3

Today's pop songs are rich in simple thoughts and ideas, and they deal with a variety of subjects, from love to politics. Because you are naturally inclined to enjoy and remember matters offered in a musical framework, make use of popular tunes to help understand Chinese. To start, acquire some lyrics to songs sung in the Chinese language. After that, memorize the lyrics. Lastly, listen to the songs and sing along, remaining mindful of each word being sung.

Learning strategy 4

Musical learners exhibit a great affinity for utilizing multimedia devices. Make use of this by searching out software and Internet-based applications that make use of multimedia extensively in their programs. You will find these way more helpful compared to sitting yourself down with a book and pack of flash cards. Use multimedia and you will definitely remain motivated, improving your chinese language acquisition capabilities.


Musical learners are usually sensitive to the sounds present in their environments, and they learn most effectivly by introducing popular music into their learning approaches. If you happen to be one of these individuals, use rhythm, sound, and multimedia tools as learning tools, and you should make great progress.

Want to learn about the other 6 types of learners? Read my article about logical-mathematical learners here.

Or, discover study strategies for intrapersonal learners here.