When many individuals think about their own oral health, the first thing that comes to mind is cavities. This health condition is one of the most commonly diagnosed problems in the world and it can affect patients of all ages. For some years, there has been only one choice for restoring a smile after a cavity has developed: silver fillings. With the amazing advances that continue to take place in the field of restorative dentistry, there are now effective, comfortable, and attractive solutions for all men that would like to restore the health and appearance of their smile.

When a tooth remains completely healthy, it will last for a patient's entire lifetime. Some habits that humans engage in can influence the health or appearance of a tooth, but the interior pulp will re-mineralize the outer enamel layer throughout the years. No matter how careful an individual is with their oral health though, damage and decay can happen at any time, usually caused by the foods that one eats.

Food debris left on the teeth will gradually start to turn into plaque and tartar. These two substances cling to the smallest crevices of the mouth and will interact with all of the food that is eaten in the future to produce bacteria and acids. In turn, this acid can attack the enamel of the teeth and cause dental decay and caries. Although silver fillings are very effective, they do come with some disadvantages that individuals would like to avoid.

Silver or another similar metal amalgam is often chosen for dental fillings as a result of their anti-bacterial properties as well as how quickly and simply they can be placed in the mouth. For some patients, they can be uncomfortable however, causing a sharp sensation whenever they come into contact with other metals, such as eating utensils. There is also a risk of sensitivity to extreme temperatures within the mouth. With white fillings, some of these disadvantages are no longer a concern for individuals that need to restore their teeth.

White fillings are made from a very durable composite that can be stained to perfectly match the color of the natural teeth. This means that a patient will once again be able to smile with confidence and avoid the appearance of silver fillings in their mouth. There will also be no interaction between these filings and any metal objects that they come into contact with. Patients will also be able to reduce their chances for sensitivity within the mouth due to extreme temperatures.

Tooth decay remains a serious problem for individuals of all ages from around the world. Those that are currently struggling with this health condition should speak with their local dentist to see which of these restorative options may be correct for them.

Shahdad Arami DDS, Northridge cosmetic dentist uses many kinds of fillings for tooth restoration. This Northridge white fillings specialist uses white fillings to preserve the appearance and color of the teeth as well.