There are only a few drugs that have been approved for the treatment of oral yeast infections. The problem comes up when we take into consideration that the cellular membrane of the yeast fungus is about the same as the cellular structure of the fungal membrane. Therefore, the drugs, such as Nystatin, which can attack the fungal cell walls, must not be a threat to the cellular membranes in the human cell membrane. The outcome is that only ten or so drugs have been approved as antifungals that can be used orally.

This applies, naturally, to yeast infections that are internal; however, a majority of the yeast infections that people suffer with are of the external variety.

As we have often discussed, there are very many women who use self-diagnosis and self-prescribed treatment for vaginal yeast infections. Are you still inclined to do-it-yourself? If that's the case, regard closely how your body reacts - or doesn't react. It may be wise to visit the Emergency Room if you have a vaginal discharge as well as other symptoms that could indicate a more serious problem. In addition to what you consider your normal yeast infection symptoms, you may experience nausea, or a fever, or bloating. These are all symptoms that really have nothing to do with a vaginal yeast infection, but could indicate something much more sinister.

One of the types of yeast infections that happens often in children is called oral thrush. This will appear in the mouth. Nystatin, another antifungal of the polyene anti-micotic group, is very good for treating oral thrush. A treatment with Nystatin is very easy to do, especially with children. All is required is to rinse the mouth out with the liquid, gargle so it gets to the throat, and then swallow what's left. As a rule, you won't be able to treat oral thrush effectively without seeing your doctor and being properly evaluated. Your health care provider might prefer another type of treatment. One major warning if you have oral thrush - do not ever try to remove the white patches by scraping. You will cause bleeding and more damage to the tissues under the patches. Trying to get rid of the white patches in this manner will also cause you a lot of pain.

In addition to proper treatment for yeast infection, there are preventative measures that should be followed, especially if there has already been an infection. One common sense measure is to make sure you properly wash and sterilize anything - clothes, toys, etc. - that your child may have put in his or her mouth while experiencing oral thrush. Another important thing to be aware of if you are breastfeeding a baby that has, or had, oral thrush, is to check the area around your breast for signs of yeast infection. The ideal course is to speak with your doctor about the overall situation to receive comprehensive and accurate information.

Yeast infection treatment is usually quite successful even if the condition was not immediately addressed and has become worse. Whatever symptoms you experience will be as a result of where the infection in located as well as many other variables. Most people manage to start their treatment soon after they suspect they have a yeast infection to prevent the symptoms from becoming more irritating. If you develop an internal yeast infection as a result of a yeast overgrowth, that is a different matter altogether. They develop rapidly and must be treated immediately or they can become very serious. Don't be misled by the fact that a majority of simple yeast infections respond to treatment well and are usually gone in 7 days. There are other yeast infections that can have much more serious consequences. For this reason, never lightly disregard any symptoms of a yeast infection.

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