Pulling off an event like this, where you're connected to thousands of people globally at the same time, interacting with them, creating an unforgettable experience for them, an experience that's no short of a live event, helping them achieve breakthroughs, creating impact and putting them on a powerful action track to become coaches and go out in the world, causing huge transformation, it was a challenge but once again, Arfeen showed that he can come any challenge head on and break through it, redefining the new ways of doing things!

He created a Virtual 360 Interactive Experience hub, in a studio that had 30-foot high ceilings and 12-foot high projection screens stretching 60-feet wide and creating a 360-degree circle filled with people on the screens. It was all supported and made possible by hundreds of computers and laptops, countless wires and connections, ultra high-speed internet connection, a relentless team of awesome experts that worked day and night to set it all up. The team had some of the best people in the sound department, a dedicated team to handle the virtual call with thousands of people globally, another dedicated team of massive and super expensive 360-degree projection setup, a team of amazing video shooting people, a team to coordinate and bring it all together, and every single person who was running around, doing their job, more like a drop in the ocean!

What you get, as a result, is a massive, magnificent virtual interactive experience for 2 full days, a feat that no one in Asia has ever done before, where over 4000 people globally-connected, interacted with Arfeen, sitting in the comfort of their home and experiencing the real magic of a live event!

Arfeen is regarded as a prominent figure in his industry today and has worked with popular corporations like Barclays, ICICI, Hello!, and Filmfare to name a few. He is also appreciated for his work by the likes of Tony Robbins and Amitabh Bachchan. On the 2nd day of the event, the energy saw a complete-scale up when Bollywood superstars Hrithik Roshan and Bhumi Pednekar joined the this event extraordinaire. Hrithik and Bhumi, who have both always been vocal about how Arfeen’s philosophies and approach has helped them look past life in a completely new and positive perspective, shared their experiences with the participants and emphasized the importance of coaching in today’s era. The audience was thrilled to hear their experiences and Arfeen’s role in their respective journeys.

Hrithik Roshan who has also been one of Arfeen's closest friends talked about his experience of being an actor and says"I used to think along how am I going to do that. But if you look at my example, it really was about every drop that makes the ocean. So every single day if you are doing something and progressing by even inches but if you are doing it every single day, trust me and believe me, you will manifest anything and everything that you want"