Tooth loss is a serious risk for individuals of all ages and it is a condition that should never be neglected. With some of the amazing advances to the field of restorative dentistry, patients now have countless options that will allow them to quickly and painlessly restore their smile. For individuals that are currently missing at least one or more teeth in a row, dental bridges remain one of the leading choices. These amazing appliances can completely restore the appearance of one's smile as well as the functionality of their teeth, and this is why all individuals with lost teeth should understand the basics of tooth loss, the risk of allowing it to go untreated, and the many benefits of dental bridges.

Tooth loss can happen for a number of reasons, yet most individuals will experience the loss of multiple teeth because of severe amounts of decay as well as gum disease. These conditions, among others, will gradually force the gums to recede and the roots of the teeth will start to pull away from the area of the jaw in which they are anchored. Any damage to the roots or pulp of a tooth can also result in the loss of teeth.

No matter what kind of treatment is chosen, it is important to speak with a dental specialist the moment that even a single permanent tooth is lost. Without these appliances or procedures, the soft tissue and surrounding teeth will slowly begin to sink inwards towards the area that has been left open by the missing teeth. This may result in facial sagging that will forever chance one's appearance. There will also be a reduction in one's able to eat and speak once they have lost teeth as well as an increase in the chance for plaque and tartar to build up within the mouth.

For people that have lost a single tooth or teeth that are in a row, dental bridges will literally span the gap with false teeth. Many dental bridges are comprised of two main parts: the false teeth and the abutment teeth. The abutment teeth are dental crowns that are placed over the natural teeth and then cemented into place in order to produce a solid base for the false teeth to attach to.

For those that would like a more permanent solution, dental bridges can be used in conjunction with dental implants. Implants are anchored into the mouth directly into the jaw. Once the mouth has healed and a bond has been formed, bridges can be attached in order to restore the smile for the rest of one's life.

Tooth loss is a common problem, but not one that anyone should ever attempt to struggle throughout without the assistance of an experienced dental specialist.

Visit for more information. Our Northridge dental bridges expert can provide you with more information as well.