A great deal of big companies have their own security systems set up. They do this simply because they need to be sure that their private premises are safe so that their workers can work in peace and quiet. Each of these security systems should have a control room of some type though. Let us have a look at exactly what the control room does.

The word control room is pretty self explanatory. It refers to an area where the control of all of the security systems is actually kept. This is really the power house of the security system. As to what exactly will be in the actual control room will depend a good deal on the security system's various components. Let's take a look at what you might manage to find.

Most large, corporate buildings will have a closed circuit television, or cctv, system in place. This is so that they can watch as well as track all of the people who enter and then leave the building and all the various offices and storerooms. This makes it a lot easier to trace things like theft along with other issues that may be reported to security. The control room may have the monitors for all of these cameras in it so the security officer in control is able to keep an eye on everything. The output from all of these cameras are also documented and the recordings put somewhere safe at the end of the day. Each tape is time stamped so that it is easier to track and find a specific incident on a particular day should it be necessary.

The control room will also be where things such as panic buttons send their own signals. This is so that in the event that there is an emergency in the building the security staff will be able to discover as well as react to the emergency much more quickly as the signal will be geographically located on a map of the building.

In some instances the control room may contain a lockbox where there are various weapons for use in defence of the building against things like robbers. Of course, most security guards will have a handgun or truncheon or something of that sort with them and having a weapons case is actually rare because of all of the potential legalities involved.

If there are any security doors or even windows or lockdown systems they'll be controlled from the control room. This is actually the heart of the security system of a building.

In short, if you control the control room of a building then you control its security systems. This is a really strong position to be in. That's the reason you will see that in action movies the bad guys will always take over the control room and so have their eyes in each and every part of the building and can send it in to lockdown mode. I am certain that you can now find out how essential this specific part of your security system is actually and that it really needs to be secure. Only top ranking security personnel ought to be allowed to enter the control room at any time.

Samson is actually an expert in control room, amongst their particular most popular internet sites is http://www.peaceforce.co.za. This web site offers a wide range of information on control room.