Studies have shown that one of the primary reasons for patients avoiding professional dental treatments comes down to fear or anxiety over these services. These kinds of feelings can start to manifest themselves in individuals of all ages, and over time they could cause serious oral health issues for patients that continue to neglect their own wellbeing. This can be particularly devastating for individuals that require a root canal treatment, one of the most necessary treatments that modern dentists offer these days. Here is a look at the basics of this treatment as well as some of the steps that a dental specialist can take to minimize fears and make these procedures as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Teeth are made up of unique layers that all work with one another in order to stand up to years of wear and tear. The interior of every tooth is comprised of an area known as the pulp chamber that houses the living material of the tooth. The pulp of a tooth will help to draw in nutrients and then re-mineralize the outer layers as they become demineralized. Even though the tooth is protected by multiple layers including enamel and dentin, damage can happen at any time.

The mouth is home to countless bacteria that are both harmful and useful to the human body. When a tooth gets damaged and the pulp is exposed to these bacteria, there is a very high risk of an infection. These infections are not only extremely painful, they can also result in additional damage throughout the rest of the patient's mouth.

This is when a root canal treatment will be absolutely necessary to remove the infected material and restore the integrity and appearance of the tooth. While root canals may sound ominous, they are in fact somewhat pain-free with some of the modern anesthetics and sedatives that are available nowadays. The dentist will begin by numbing the area before making a small hole in the tooth and removing the infected material. These sedatives are very powerful and the patient will feel little to no discomfort.

In addition to local anesthetics, sedatives can also be used to further put the patient at ease and minimize any discomfort that they may have. These sedatives can be introduced to the body as an inhalant, orally, or through an IV. Individuals can speak with their dentist to see which of these choices may be right for their own needs.

No one should ever neglect pain or any other abnormalities throughout their mouth. Patients that fail to schedule regular appointments or have these conditions treated will be at an increased risk of painful abscesses, infections throughout the rest of their body, permanently discolored teeth, and even periodontal disease.

Visit for more information. Dr. Mondavi, Torrance dentist provides sedation options for individuals with a fear of dental treatments.