It can be difficult for even the most diligent and careful of people to create and maintain a smile that they can be truly proud of. Throughout the years, it will not take much to notice that the appearance of one's smile has slowly begun to suffer from damage, decay, or even malocclusion. For those with misaligned teeth that would like a reinvented and even smile, there will be a few restorative options offered to completely transform both the look and the function of the teeth. For these patients, Invisalign aligners remain one of the best solutions, and that is why it is important for all individuals to be aware of why malocclusion occurs, some of the medical conditions that can happen from untreated malocclusion, and what sets this advanced realignment system apart from all other treatment options.

Malocclusion can take place no matter how diligently an individual brushes, flosses, or even takes regular trips to the dentist. It is often the effect of an overcrowding of the teeth, genetics, or even trauma to the face. If malocclusion is left untreated, patients run a very serious risk of developing an uneven bite pattern that will affect all parts of their face and head.

An uneven bite pattern will start to wear away at the teeth unevenly, and this could lead to severe damage or even fractures on the teeth. Those that have a severely uneven bite pattern could also begin to develop problems with their jaws and even their neck including soreness or various other chronic disorders. For individuals that would like to treat this condition, there will be two primary options.

The traditional option for fixing malocclusion is metal braces. Metal braces have been used for many years and are one of the most successful and commonly used treatments for this condition. These appliances work by applying pressure to each of the teeth and then slowly pulling them back into alignment. While very effective, they do come with some serious disadvantages that some patients wish to refrain from.

Those that are currently wearing braces will need to avoid certain foods and they may also have difficulty with some of the most basic oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing. At the conclusion of the treatment, there may be a necessity for a whitening or bleaching treatment on the teeth. With Invisalign aligners, many of these disadvantages are no longer a problem.

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible trays that are custom made for each single patient. They can be replaced out every two weeks as they slowly apply pressure to the teeth. In addition to being nearly completely invisible once in the mouth, patients will be able to take them out at any time to enjoy the foods that they love and engage in brushing, flossing, and the other habits that are necessary for a bright and healthy smile.

Philip Shindler DDS, Westlake Village dentist offers various orthodontic treatments. This Westlake Village Invisalign provider uses this revolutionary treatment to fix the misalignment problems in some patients as well.