Tooth decay is a serious problem that individuals of all ages are forced to struggle with every single day. It remains one of the most common health problems anywhere in the body, and individuals that do not have this condition treated as quickly as possible will be at a much higher risk for permanent damage to the mouth as well as ailments throughout the rest of the body. If the amount of decay is more severe and on the biting surface of the tooth, inlays and onlays are two of the most common options to prevent the spread of the decay, restore the integrity of the tooth, and greatly enhance the appearance of the individual's smile.

Many believe that tooth decay and dental caries only take place in younger individuals, yet this serious health issue can happen to a person at any point in their life. In fact, elderly individuals past the age of 60 are at the highest risk for developing a number of painful and unsightly oral health complications such as tooth decay. For many of these individuals, tooth decay is the result of improper oral hygiene habits.

As food is eaten and beverages are consumed every day, it is important to brush and floss in order to remove any amount of plaque and bacteria that have begun to build up. When these substances are not removed from the mouth, they will interact with food and produce acids and bacteria that will attack the enamel of the teeth and eventually result in decay. It is also necessary to seek out regular dental checkups that include professional teeth cleaning. Only a dentist will be able to use advanced tools to remove plaque and bacteria from some of the most difficult to reach places of the mouth.

For minor amounts of decay, most dentists will suggest the use of metal or composite fillings. These appliances worked wonderfully to restore the appearance of the tooth as well as the integrity. When the decay has damaged the biting surface of the tooth however, inlays and onlays may be needed.

Inlays and onlays are much like fillings and they can either be made of a metal amalgam or a tooth-colored composite. Inlays are the smaller variation and they will fit inside the indentation of the tooth. Onlays will be necessary when the damage and decay is more extensive, reaching beyond the biting surface of the tooth. Each is held in place with a powerful bonding agent that will allow the patient to enjoy a restored smile for years on end.

The moment that decay is detected, all individuals should immediately professional dental treatment to avoid the spread of the decay and any permanent damage that may happen as a result.

Culver City dentist, Dr. Eftekhari uses several dental treatments to fix the problems with the teeth. This Culver City inlays and onlays expert can help you preserve the health and beauty of your teeth at all times.