(Free Press Release) Wendy Faith Laymon has done a study on Who God is. Wendy Laymon finds that God reveals Himself to us through His word, the Bible. Wendy Laymon found that, according to God's word we would not exist if He did not exist. God created everything, living and non living. Everyone and everything owes its existence to God.

Wendy Laymon asks, “ Who is God?? what does He look like?? Do we know His nature or His character? How do we know He even exists?” We need only to look into His letters to us, His word, the Bible, to find the answers to these questions. What makes the Bible the book to turn to to know about God? The Bible is the book of eternity that reveals God to us humans. Wendy Laymon finds that God saturates the Bible.

From the beginning to the end there is a firm belief that God is the creator, sustainer, redeemer, and sovereign Lord of all that is. There was nothing that came into existence without the great I AM, God. Wendy Faith Laymon finds that the Bible teaches that everything, living and non living, owes it's existence to the God that has always been and always will be. Every thing that has happened in history happened because God directed it with a predetermined end. God is so powerful that he can create freedom and peace and yet, in the end, He can bring the cosmos to its knees. With out God, there would be nothing. Not even nothing. There would not be a reason to write this article because I would not exist to write it and the paper would not exist to write on and you would not exist to read it and there would be no skeptics to convince that these truths are truths of God.

Does God exist?? Wendy Laymon finds that God is nothing more than a myth to a lot of people. They say He does not exist and there is not evidence for His existence. The oddity here is that the very people who claim there is no God use the very tongue that God created to make statements and their tongue waggles and spits out blasphemy by God's power. Wendy Faith Laymon finds that this makes atheism sadly ironic.

Many people earnestly ask, “How do you know there is a God?” This is the most basic objection to the Christian faith.

Wendy Laymon quotes a popular astronomer, Carl Sagan, who totes evolutionary views once said when questioned about God, “I'm not saying I know there is no God. It's just that if there is, there isn't any evidence for it”

Wendy Laymon points out that Mr. Sagen is an icon for our age of stubborn unbelief and rebellion. Here is a man who had delved deeply into the mysteries of the cosmos and had gazed endlessly at the wonders of the works of God, yet he did not believe in God. God says in His word, “The fool has said in his heart, `There is no God.`”

When he said there is no evidence for God, he should have looked in the mirror first and taken a good look at himself. Literally. Life----even the life of a blasphemer owes his existence to God. God is as plain as the nose on your face. This universe would not have any life if God did not create it. Despite what science teaches no credible option has been offered to explain where complex living organisms came from. Wendy Laymon agrees with the scientists who are proving that the one and only credible answer is God, a super natural being, who alone is powerful enough to bring forth life.

Today's false answer is that all living beings are the product of evolution. Wendy Faith Laymon cautions that Evolution is only a hypothesis and at that there are more and more proven holes in its logic. In fact, scientists are proving that life---even at the level of a single cell---is far to complex to have just evolved.

Wendy Laymon quotes God as saying in His word, the Bible, “For since the creation of the worlds His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:20