seolabservicex - Charles Litten

Midlothian, VA - Charles Litten of Midlothian, Va., needs your help and he’s quickly running out of options.

Litten, 71, has COPD and other debilitating medical conditions. Over the past few years, he was scammed out of his entire life savings and is now in danger of losing his home as well as his ability to pay for food and the medication he needs to stay alive.

“This is still an ongoing investigation so I cannot reveal the name of the person who took advantage of me,” said Litten, who had to stop working in 2003 and was given 1-5 years to live at that time. “But I was scammed out of $180,000.

“My wife and I knew this couple who were living very well but neither of them worked. The husband claimed that he made his income through investments and convinced me to give him some money.”

Litten was conned into taking out an equity line on his home for investment purposes. “This man did not invest the money,” he said. “He kept it. Then he told me that he would pay me back at a rate of $1,400 a month until the entire debt was paid. But he only made five payments and then stopped.”

According to Litten, the man ran investment scams with people in and out of Virginia, and did not provide contact information other than an e-mail address. “I’m not sure how many other people he scammed,” Litten said, “but I have proof of at least three others.”

Living solely on his disability check, Litten has filed a lawsuit but has been advised that the chances of recovering any money are slim. He is turning to crowdfunding as a last resort.

Litten has launched an Indiegogo campaign, which can be viewed at . Donations will help replace the money lost through this fraudulent investment scheme.

“It only takes one person top get things started,” he said. “I pray that you will help me. Any amount will be appreciated.”

Litten has also written a book, God has a Plan for Your Life, but Will You listen? For a $25 pledge, he will e-mail a copy of the book.

For further information, visit at or Litten’s Facebook page,

He can be reached directly at [email protected]

Contact Name: Charles Litten
Company Name: Charles Litten
City: Midlothian
State: VA
Zip Code: 23112
Country: USA
Phone Number: 804-744-4072
Email Address: [email protected]
Website URL: