Spray roses are floribundas with small blooms, farmed mainly for the florist trade and are available in various colors. Floribundas are a variety of roses that produces many lush and abundant flowers. Spray rose kinds can be seen at florist stores around the world and are popular for use at weddings and also in function bouquets. With spray roses vs roses that we anticipate to see, they are smaller than their traditional counterparts and sometimes have more foliage. The spray roses definition of the American Rose Society considers them to be any kind of rose that has many buds on smaller stems branching off from the main flower stem. These have also been called tea roses, or label roses for their petite size however the family runs to climbing roses and various other types as well because of the physical features in the definition of a spray rose.

Roses are probably the most known flower the world over. They have been likened with love, romance and commonly used to give a classic feel to bouquets and arrangements. The flowers are perfect for various uses which includes dried and taken in herbal infusions and frequently used in perfumes. They are well-known among gardeners who grow a number of colors and varieties as well as creating new hybrid varieties by cross pollination. Wild spray roses often can be recognized for their thick, bush like appearance with flowers that only have 5 petals. They have long been considered to be a traditional "English" rose and are often referred to as a Tudor rose from the royal crest. They are commonly much hardier in cold climates than their traditional rose cousins although they will only bloom once a season. This makes them perfect for more temperate climates for growing both indoors and outdoors.

Spray rose varieties are old compared with many of the contemporary hybrid roses. It is considered an Old Garden Species as it was considered to be cultured before the 20th century. It is thought that they are linked to an old polyantha species that was first bred around 1875. These older roses are generally more aromatic than newer species of rose. Polyanthas are small rose bushes with tiny blossoms often found in stores around Mother's Day and are sometimes called sweetheart roses. There are several varieties of these miniature spray roses including the popular Cecile Brunner, China Doll, along with The Fairy. John Champneys, a native South Caolinian produced the first noisette spray rose, the Champney's Pink Cluster that has small many petaled blossoms, by crossing a musk rose with a china rose. Noisette roses are climbing roses and are well-known for accents in florist bouquets. The American Rose Society has a spray roses wiki that has the comprehensive history and variety list for spray roses.

The main physiology of a spray rose is what considers it so different from traditional roses or shrub roses. Spray roses are unsuitable for long stemmed roses because of their short stocky qualities yet they are perfect for having multiple blooms per branch but works well in garden arrangement as a dwarf selection in front of taller longer stemmed versions. All rose types grow by producing smaller stems from one primary stem, these are known as peduncles. Where typical rose varieties only create one flower per peduncle a spray rose will produce numerous pedicels in lieu of the singular peduncle which is why it is able to produce multiple blossoms. There are single, semi-doubles, as well as double varieties with between 4-45 petals per blossom depending on the type.

Spray roses