Autumn is already here in the backyard garden. Every time of year has its appeal, but the arrival of autumn does mean saying goodbye to many things which flourish only during spring and summer. Nevertheless, we have the opportunity to grow some plants that will last until the early days of winter.

As soon as leaves start to fall and flowers begin to fade it's a sign to start doing things. Winter with its cold rapidly follows autumn now creeping in, and gardens must be prepared appropriately. All that might be growing in your garden must have help to see them through till the springtime warmth arrives. We can easily all start with the right advice on what has to be done.

Owners of treed gardens must ensure that the trees are trimmed in time. This requires getting rid of dead limbs, and a pair of garden shears is often all that's required. The explanation for this is to enable sunlight to arrive at the healthy branches and sustain life. While it is thought that you can make natural fertilizer using dead leaves, this is not entirely true. The danger would be that the soil quality could be weakened by leaf-borne diseases.

Nourish the earth using potassium fertilizers. The protective coating will ready the plants for the cold winter. Don't forfeit the occasion to plant a small number of flowers that will look great in the spring. If you have an old covering of fertilizer, remove it and lay a new one. It's essential to ensure when you cover the soil with dead leaves that they are not diseased and distribute them uniformly.

The best time with regard to seeding evergreens is at the start of October. Soak the dirt a few days before planting. Don't forget to water the bulbs soon after planting them but don't drown them. Remember to always use the elements, if it's going to pour with rain in a few hours, don't misuse your time watering the plants as this could be dangerous to your plants.

Another thing you must do in autumn is till the soil. Excavating to a depth of 15 to 20 centimetres can be ideal. Any vegetable matter spread on the ground, like fruit and leaves, must be removed before digging. Whenever the leaves or fruits are in perfect shape, don't burn them as they can make a great natural fertilizer for the soil.

Something different to consider will be your lawn. Cutting the lawn extremely short will be the optimal way to prepare your lawn for the winter. Sustain it's overall health by feeding it with fertilizers formulated specially for lawns.

To get handy access keep your garden tools out during October which is the best time for these jobs and for moving plants around before the beginning of winter. When you own ornamental plants that thrive during the hotter months, don't forget to cover them with a defensive foil to protect against freezing. Except in cases where the plant is quite large, a two-sheet overlaying of foil will do the job. These plants, especially the younger ones, are be subject to damage from the light reflected off snow, so shield their lower stems by painting them.

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