Millions of people are injured each year during workout sessions or, more importantly, because they do not have a fitness plan in place. When you allow yourself to get out of shape, you are more apt to injure yourself - whether you are at work, being a "weekend warrior", or at home. You can't rush getting back into shape. You have to start slow and be patient. Many people sustain injuries because they won't admit how unfit they actually are. These people, with their "heads in the sand" as to their fitness level, become gung ho with their workouts and get hurt. They need to take into account how to prevent injuries.

It is difficult to start an exercise program and then continue to remain at a high level of motivation. The top reason cited is usually the motivation factor and how to keep from becoming bored. The right program or one you really like, is the easiest way to keep this from happening. Whatever you choose to do, making it a workout, is a necessity. The easiest way to get started is to take a walk after dinner, which is a good way to eliminate stress. Start something slowly and work up to more intense things, and you will have a less chance of giving up. Muscles follow the old adage - use it or lose it. This is a very true statement. Food is very important for maintaining energy and meeting your daily caloric needs; however, you also need some form of exercise each day to keep your body fit and healthy. The first step is to begin - it doesn't matter what you choose. As you progress, your body will know what you should be doing next. Specifically, as your mind becomes stronger and better nourished, it will be able to intuitively guide you to the best exercise regimen for your health. Plus, when your muscles become firmer and you have more energy, then those realizations will compel you to do more.

Becoming limber is the key to preventing injury, regardless of the type of exercise routine you choose. Your legs also will need to be stretched out. There are many excellent stretches you can use on your legs, as well as your tendons and ligaments. No matter what level of fitness you have when you begin, always take it slow at first and treat your muscles with care. The best way to stretch out, and warm up, your hamstring muscles is to bend over from the waist until you feel a gentle stretch. Don't worry if you cannot bend all the way down. It will come in time. Just don't force yourself to go further than is comfortable without any pain. One of the worst things you can do when you are stretching is to bounce or jerk in an effort to maximize the stretch. It has always been the opinion of the medical community that everyone can improve their health and fitness at any age. If you are severely out of shape, then maybe you can begin the road back to good health with a friend. Really, it's a great idea to have your spouse or a friend work out with you. You will be able to look forward to the social aspect of the workout as well as the health benefits all of you will be obtaining. But if not, then that is all right because you can just do it on your own. Don't try to run the three-minute mile the first week of your exercise regimen. Start out slowly - maybe a walk in the park or at the mall - and add in some simple exercises or stretches when you are at home.

Shanix Pineda is a well-known author, he has been writing different blogs on different topics like health,nutrition,supplements etc. Checkout his article on Ambit marketing and on exfuze marketing