China — In addition to some of the outside interferences, some questions of needle detector and needl detectors itself can also cause internal disturbance which will cause into the false alarms of these detecting machine. The so-called internal interference refers to the factors which can cause false alarms such as vibration, component magnetization and others.

The engineer from Hengxin Machinery which China most professional food metal detector manufacturer and supplier concluded these internal interference situations into following categories

First, the bearing capacity of ground for the machine is so weak and then the weak ground supporting will cause into the vibration of the body. The vibration of the machine is the main reason for the noise.

Secondly, the screws of some parts of food metal detector were not tightened which will cause into the body itself. The unstable screws should also the crucial reason for the noise of this machine. Informal vibration and noise will lead to the false alarm of this machine

Thirdly, if the mechanical bearings into the needle and other metal detecting machine have been magnetized, this situation will also lead to false alarms.

The solution for all above problems is not complicated. If operator wants to solve the vibration situation, they need to firstly tighten all screws body and then solid the bottom bracket housing. For the situation that the ground is easy to be shaken, the factory need to add 10 to 20cm of wood pad or cement blocks at the bottom of each bracket. On the other hand, for the magnetized components of the needle detecting machine, operator could only put these body parts which had been magnetized into a special degaussing degaussing machine or directly replace the part.

Furthermore, the detecting products itself could also cause false alarms which mainly refers to that the detected products itself contains certain degrees of iron or ferromagnetic metals. For example, the rubber products will often contain metal elements so some footwear products will produce the false alarms through the detecting of the metal detecting machine. This is because the rubber soles contain iron elements which will directly affect the normal testing of the detecting machines . Some fuels also contain ferromagnetic material and the above phenomenon will also occurs.

There are also other products such as clothes and pants because it contains ferromagnetic metal buttons, zippers, sequins, decorations, and other parts which will also affect the normal operation of needle machine.

Warmly remind from engineer of Hengxin Machinery, please pay more attention to the inner interference of the metal and needle detector.

About Hengxin Machinery

Hengxin Machinery ( ) offers needle detector, metal detector and fabric inspection machine for clothing knitting industry, food industry, shoe industry, pharmaceutical industry, bedding goods industry and weaving industry.

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