Our garden by now mirrors the arrival of autumn. Just about every season has its appeal, but the entrance of autumn does mean saying farewell to many things which flourish only during spring and summer. Not everything is lost, though, as there are lovely plants we can grow that will please us right up to the early part of winter.

Dropping leaves and flowers failing to keep their color trigger thoughts of necessary activities. Those are the first indicators of the autumn, so you must prepare the garden for the cold season. Between now and spring severe conditions will set in, which could damage or destroy the things living in your garden if they are not protected. There a range of details that should be done to prepare the garden.

Those who own treed gardens must be sure that the trees are clipped in time. This calls for eliminating dead tree branches, and a pair of garden shears is often all that's required. The reason for this is to allow sunlight to get to the healthy branches and sustain life. Many people are under the flawed impression that dead leaves are a great natural source of fertilizer. Many of the leaves could carry problems, affecting the soil later.

Feed the soil with the help of potassium fertilizers. The plants will be protected against the cold of winter by the enveloping layer. Do not waste the occasion to plant a few flowers that will stand out in the spring. Old fertilizer layers should be removed and replaced with new ones. Exclusively disease-free dead leaves, if perhaps you want to use them, may be spread evenly as a soil covering.

The appearance of October presents you with the most opportune time to plant evergreens. Soak the earth one or two days before planting. Remember to water the bulbs after planting them but try not to drown them. Take care to take into account the weather, given that watering prior to heavy rain will not only be a waste of time and water but also present a threat to your plants.

One more thing you must do in autumn is turn the soil. Excavating to a depth of 15 to 20 centimetres is usually ideal. Before you decide to undertake this job, you must remove any vegetation such as fruits and leaves from the soil. Do not burn the vegetation when it is healthy, since it could be utilized to fertilize the soil in a natural way.

Remember in regards to your lawn. If you want to ready it for winter, you must trim the lawn as short as it can be. Support it's health and wellbeing by feeding it with fertilizers formulated specially for lawns.

It might be easier to accomplish all these projects and move plants around if you leave garden implements out during October, which is the best month for these activities. The exotic decoratives that benefit from the hot seasons should be protected against freezing by means of a foil shield. Only two sheets of foil are enough, depending on the dimensions of the plant. You should also paint the lower foundation of the plant, especially for the younger ones as this will keep the harsh reflective light from the snow from damaging it.

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