United States - MR Wang is the market director from one famous America local www.holomall.com consuming products manufacturer. His ten years¡¯ experience has given him many honor and exciting time. With his effort, their company¡¯s products have been in great demand among whole continent of United States. However, every coin has two sides. No matter how successful of this man, there should also intolerable difficulty which he must be deal with face t face. As he said, the faking products which use their company¡¯s reputation should be the most seriously problem he must face with.

In the past 10 years, the explosive growth of faking goods has largely shocked our reputation in the mind of most of our consumers. From cheap to experience product, all of them are in the shadow counterfeiters. I have found that the main reason for this unbearable situation is the simple anti-imitation technology and package we ever used. All of these forgers should find this weak-point as their advantage factor. After this profound lesson, our company chooses to use the high tech security hologram products from www.holomall.com as our new technique to avoid the flooding imitation. From now on, the effect is very excellent.¡± MR Wang said.

From the viewing and research to security hologram technology and the famous hologram sticker supplier holomall.com, people could find that the cost for the hologram sticker is more inexpensive than other technology and products with the same function and it is difficult for forger to copy them. This product could highly enhance the product security by lower cost. If enterprises could choose this product, it could help them give the forgers a thrashing hit.

Apart from the excellent anti-imitation function, the holographic sticker and Security Hologram Sticker package also have another significant effect that is holographic packaging visuals which are very attractive. Holographic packaging and sticker is very colorful and dynamic. When buyers select products, those products which applied the holographic stickers and packaging are always the first one which would be noticed by all of consumers. It can easily catch people's attention and impression and then attract customers to purchase products. So, people could say that the application for holographic sticker could be better way for them to increase products¡¯ sales volume.

In the past 10 years, Holographic stickers and package products and industry have been involved in various industries and won favorite from numerous world famous brands. Today, holographic anti-counterfeiting stickers and packaging has become the best solution to improve product appearance quality and products safety.

If people want to order or custom high quality holographic stickers and packages for their products, please visit website holomall.com.

About www.holomall.com

Holomall.com should be the leading holographic sticker supplier in China. From now on, they have already established Holographic Label cooperation relationship with many world famous brands and enterprise.

Contact Person: Mr. David Song (Marketing Manager)
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Shanghai Henglei Hologram Co., LTD
Address: Room 3001, Building 9, #133 Linping Road, Shanghai City, 200086, China
Tel/Fax: 0086-21-61236144 (David song) or please send email to Mr. song