So, why is there a necessity for bee repellent anyways? Bees are highly valued in modern society for their capability to produce honey (a highly prized product) that many of us like to use on pastries, tea, coffee, as well as for brewing beer! Nonetheless, as bees have often proven to be a public health concern and likely life-threatening to individuals and pets who are severely allergic to bee stings, developing an effective, however environment-friendly natural bee repellent is of paramount importance for those who desire to be able to have that outdoor barbecue or birthday gathering without being inadvertently harassed by an unsuspectingly vicious, angry horde of bees! Of course, there are numerous ways to get rid of bees without resorting to the use of toxic pesticides that may prove as equally damaging to your health over time, not to mention your kids' or pets' health also.

There are certain elements concerning bees' behavior in their natural environment that may coincide with yours, and the first step to eliminating the presence of any given pest is usually removing potential sources of naturally sweet food or same substances that they love (like fruit) from easily accessible areas. At the same time you have to simultaneously utilize other ingredients or substances that they abhor to prevent them, some of which are listed below:

- Peppermint

- Cinnamon

- Crushed Garlic

- Vanilla

- Herbal Oils

- Cucumber Peels

- Soapy Water

- Tea Tree Oil and Benzaldehyde (mixed together, of course)

- Boric Acid Powder (tends to be an excellent ~carpenter bee repellent)

The correct (and thereby most effective) application will vary based on the bee repellent, as certain repellents, such as cucumber peels or peppermint plants (which are considered to be some of the most highly effective bee repellent plants), will work best when used on kitchen shelves or areas where bees are most likely to gather. Other circumstances may require a more direct approach for preventing bee attacks, for example applying cedar or peppermint oil on and around your pet's ears and neck to prevent bees from coming near your dog or spraying unsuspecting hordes with a mightily potent home-made bee repellent spray made out of cooking oil and dishwashing soap, which will send them scattering!

If you have non-flowering plants outside that you don't want bees to make an easy home from, spraying the plants with a combination of chopped garlic that's been soaked in water for 2-3 days will keep those bees at bay while leaving your plants in one piece, and distributing cinnamon on or perhaps around pre-existing beehives can give bees a good reason to pick up and move somewhere else, even though it may take a week or so before the desired effect starts to kick in. In addition, mixing just one tablespoon of vanilla extract with water will make for an excellent skin repellent that you must apply before going outdoors into places densely populated by bees, or you can alternatively create a mixture out of diluted Dettol and baby oil when you don't happen to like the odor of vanilla.

Certain commercial oil sprays such as the ORTHO 16 Oz. Volck Oil Spray are available at Lowes for you to purchase if you don't happen to have any of the aforementioned ingredients and are in need of a fast and easy solution. The oil spray comes strongly recommended with 5-star ratings across the board, as it's an environmentally friendly spray that 's very instrumental at terminating hibernating insects and their likely offspring before they become a significant issue to you, your plants, your kids, or your pets!

To get additional helpful info about bee repellent, please check us out on the web: