The California DMV uses an unique point system that closely tracks and monitors the safety of all drivers as well as their ability to operate a vehicle. These points can be added or removed to a driver's record for a number of reasons and will have a huge effect on the driver's life. This is why all licensed drivers in California should understand exactly how points will affect their life and how these points can be removed from their record.

Nearly all moving violations are assigned a point value. These points differ slightly by state, still in California, moving violations will come with either 1 or 2 points being placed on the driver's record. Points are usually only applied to a driver's record for tickets that could potentially cause harm to another human or their property. This includes charges varying from reckless driving to going above the speed limit. The points are not placed on the driver's record until they are either convicted or when penalties are accessed.

The points are carefully monitored by the DMV and will stay on the driver's record for all your driving history. For minor violations, the point will only stay on the driver's record for three years. Individuals that find themselves with more severe charges can expect the points to stay on their driver's license for five years or longer.

Points are primarily used to track the driver's eligibility to drive. If 4 points are applied to the driver's record in a 12 month period, the license will automatically be suspended. The DMV will commonly send a courtesy notice when half of the minimum points have been received. If the individual receives 6 points in a 24 month period or 8 points in a 36 month period, they will also have their driver's license suspended.

In addition to putting the driver's license under threat, insurance companies also keep a very close eye on points that are accumulated by their clients. For each point that is received, the insurance companies will raise their clients' premiums accordingly. Even a single point could increase the driver's yearly insurance premiums by thousands of dollars. Drivers that get too many points for more severe charges may even have their car insurance policy cancelled and will be required to find a new insurance company.

The only way to remove points from one's record is with a traffic ticket lawyer. While many individuals merely pay fines to move the process as quickly as possible, individuals that fail to acquire legal representation will have a much lower chance of evading these life-altering convictions.

Visit for more information. Mr. Ticket can help with DMV point reduction as well.