Canada, July 22, 2016 - Promote Dental is a brand established by a well-known online marketer, Yasir Khan.

Promote Dental is a dedicated service for dentists, offering them with unique & effective marketing strategies with the aspiration of increasing patient turnout at their dental offices.

Promote Dental take pride in educating dentists on how to avoid marketing methods which simply don't work anymore & working with approaches which are branded to show great results.
The business promotes oral health not only to their customers but to all the people in order to improve their dental health.

Promote Dental can be considered as one of the best in the dentistry and cosmetic surgery field. The following are small list of what their clients say about their services:
“As fairly advanced SEO marketer, I am very happy with both the results that we are getting as well as how easy they are to work with. We are seeing increased rankings in some highly competitive keywords that we didn't think we could get before. One has 600K monthly searches, where we went from the 7th page to 4th page quickly, and then after 5 months of sustained effort, we made it page 1.” - Mark Flaherty, iNetSoft

“What I like most about Yasir's services aren't the results but the personalized support I get. Most SEO services never call you up, but Yasir answers your questions very patiently. My website is now on Page 1 at a time when I had totattly lost hope in getting clients through online marketing methods. Thanks guru!” —Patricia

“3 of my dental websites ranked in Google Top 5 within 2 months. Good job! -Jim Crayne, EG Dental Mex

“I am a photographer by profession. Yasir has helped get my website up on Page 1 of Google for my town. I am now booked 2 months in advance. I love the fact that Yasir is taking care of my website so I don't have to. Thanks man, will send you referrals soon!!” - Mike Weston

“After spending 10'S of thousands of dollars on different SEO services everything from article spining and submission to manual link building and other SEO scams. All we got was and little better rankings by the major search engines. The I started to use Yasir's services and in just one week our ranking have just went thru the roof. We improved in many keywords but our main keyword went to 4th on Google. Wow and this is only after one week. The service level with Yasir is great he calls you back and does what he say he will do. Finally I have hope that the SEO on our site will work. I am now shooting for #1 with all our main keywords because with SERP Ability I know it can be done.” -Robert Baker, New Cat Condos

For more information about Promote Dental, visit their official website at, email them at or call them at 1-416-880-3579.