Plants are unusual and wonderful beings. They've evolved to subsist on the barest of nutrients as well as least quantity of movement. In order to be able to perform this they have developed an intricate system of chemical processes to process and get nutrition from things such as sunshine. Among the chemical substances involved with a plant's life is polyphenols.

The polyphenol is defined as the "compound containing more than one phenolic hydroxyl group". In layman's terms, polyphenols really are an organic compound made up of a quantity of phenols. The amount of phenols found in each polyphenol will determine it's function and characteristics. It may be utilized in metabolic processes, they may be toxic, they could be therapeutic or they might just be a chemical compound that's found in plants and it has no apparent effect on every other being. Polyphenols are located in just about all kinds of plants and therefore are up to half the dry weight of a plant's leaves. The most typical are tannins. All polyphenols have an anti-oxidant characteristic. Some plants make use of polyphenols to protect themselves against decay as well as pathogenic attack. Even some creatures, primarily your bugs and crustaceans, also contain polyphenols. They are utilised in the creation of the hard exoskeleton of these creatures.

Unlike a number of other chemical substances in plants, polyphenols really inhibit the uptake of certain nutrients in your body. This particular side-effect developed as a way for plants to defend themselves against being overgrazed by herbivores. Of course, nature being nature, a few animals saliva includes a protein that counteracts the inhibitory and astringency qualities of some polyphenols. This does have its benefits in certain human foods though as it can be used to avoid lipid oxidation in the preservation of seafood which is ideal for people because it allows their food to stay edible for longer.

Obviously, the main reason for individuals planning to consume polyphenols is for the anti-oxidant effects. The anti-oxidant polyphenols are usually of a different class to the inhibitory polyphenols. Great sources of these are food items like mangoes, honey, apples, cantaloupe, cherries, cocoa as well as blackberries.

The benefits of these antioxidant properties is far reaching. It may reduce inflammation in problems such as coronary artery disease. They are able to help to decrease the likelihood of developing a few forms of cancer because they inhibit the action of free radicals. Of course, many of these advantages have been studies in vitro which means that their effects have not yet been verified in longitudinal studies of people.

It is also worth noting that excessive use of antioxidants during chemotherapy could be counterproductive as it can inhibit the function of the harmful chemicals designed to get rid of the cancerous tissue in your body.

The fact still remains that consuming your fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is actually good for you. there are plenty of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients in these incredible creations which are great for you and won't do you any harm. Of course, as with all things, moderation is key and too much of a good thing could be bad.

Samson is an expert in polyphenols, amongst their most- loved sites is The site provides a lot of information on polyphenols.