06, August 2016: Onelove is glad to announce that they are launching their original clothing and ethically made resale space that allows people meet their fashion in just affordable price. Their clothes are fashionable and many of people can surely love the style and design.

Onelove ensures that they can provide the most affordable online podium to recycle clothing by slowing down the fashion cycle and have a less waste in planet. Aside from that, they promote the properly made as well as the sustainable fashion thru the popularization and the ethical label blogging and spotlights.

In the past few years, people need to go out and look for the store and buy for their cloth that they want. However, because of the services of Onelove, shoppers don’t need to go outside and waste their time looking for the perfect shop for them. As long as they have the internet and laptop, they can shop as long as they want. They made shopping easier and convenient.

Even though there are people who do not satisfy on this kind of service, many people have the same opinion and positive feedback about online shopping. Many people stated that they could have their time and energy in shopping. Aside from that, they can look for the fashion and style that they want in their everyday lives. With those skeptic questions, many claim that Onelove has the ability to stand out in the market world and able to enhance their fashion style.

Their idea in creating of online space where all of member can buy and sell the clothes that they offer due to the demand of different clients, initial supporters, and close friends. They also have the space on website that is known as build for people in sustainable fashion of pieces.

Onelove is online groups that offer the fashion of e-commerce community that bring together people with a good taste of fashion in the whole world. This is also has an alternative way to consignment sites that seller maintain their profits.

If you are interested about their clothes and you want to be a member of Onelove, feel free to visit and check out the different benefits you will get once you are a member. Just click the website below and discover Onelove. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/42592166/onelove

For Media Contact:
Contact: Kelly Wren
Company Name: Onelove
Website: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/42592166/onelove