There is one very common health condition that a very high percentage of all humans will have to deal with at some point in their life, and that is tooth discoloration. No matter how careful an individual is with their visits to the dentist and oral hygiene habits within their home, it is difficult to strike a balance between healthy enamel and a vibrant smile. This is why everyone that is considering any number of teeth whitening treatments should understand why this staining takes place, some of the most common teeth whitening options, and the advantages of heading to an experienced dentist for this service.

On the outside of the teeth is a layer that is referred to as the enamel. The enamel is subject to heavy amounts of wear and tear, however the teeth have the unique ability to re-mineralize and strengthen themselves over the years. The enamel is considered the protective layer of the tooth, however many of the habits that people carry out every single day will impact the state of the enamel. From the use of tobacco products to a cup of coffee in the morning, some individuals will notice that their smile slowly loses its vibrancy over the years.

In the past, there have been relatively few effective options for patients that would like to brighten their smile. Some of the top teeth whitening services were expensive and had the chance to cause permanent damage to the teeth or gums. This was because of the harsh chemicals that were used to remove the stains, also affecting the enamel, dentin, and other parts of the teeth. Fortunately, modern advances allow almost every patient to have a smile that is both bright and healthy.

These professional whitening treatments that are carried out by a dentist usually use a solution that is comprised of carbamide, peroxide, or a mixture of these two substances. Once applied to the teeth, they will release oxygen molecules that will penetrate deep into the enamel to lift some of the most difficult of stains. In treatments that usually last no longer than an hour, many patients will notice that their smile is upwards of 8 shades brighter almost immediately.

Advanced teeth whitening services may also utilize a specialty lamp that decreases the amount of time that is needed for the whitening, and in turn, minimizing the chances for damage to the teeth or sensitivity. No matter what kind of treatment is chosen however, it is necessary for all individuals to only have their teeth whitened by a professional dentist. Even some of the most popular at-home treatment options can dramatically affect the outer layers of the teeth, permanently damaging the enamel, dentin, or gums without proper instructions from an experienced dentist.

You can visit, Blue Sky Family Dental for more information. Dr. Mondavi, Torrance teeth whitening specialist can provide you with more information as well.