Mormonism is a documentary that will be based on the research to investigate the real causes behind people leaving the church. From the Church’s stance on LGBTQ community to other social and cultural issues, the documentary will investigate the true causes and the breaking point behind people leaving the church. Moreover, it will also find out if the hierarchy of the Church really care about those who leave.

The creators of the documentary will also interview real people who have left the Church to find out their stance towards the Church. Moreover, the documentary will give a chance to the unheard parts of the community to get their voice heard through this platform. Most importantly, it will answer the fundamental question of why people are leaving the Church.

The creators of this remarkable documentary have decided to seek community support for the production of this documentary. All funds raised through the Indiegogo campaign will go for the funding for travel, shooting, editing, lighting, distribution and marketing the film.

The Indiegogo campaign, located on the web at:  and it offers pledge levels from $50 to $500, with perks and rewards ranging from a production copy to the producer credits. This means anyone who donates more than $500 will get a producer credit in the documentary.

About Mormonism:

Mormonism is a documentary film by Ryan Meeks from Salt Lake City, United States. The documentary will answer the fundamental question of why people are leaving the Church and much more. In order to get this documentary done, the creators are seeking public support on Indiegogo and everyone is welcome to make donations for this documentary.

Contact Person: Gary Meeks
Company: All-Mountain Co
Address: Logan, UT United States
Phone: 435-757-7907
Email: [email protected]