Rarely does any dental treatment strike fear into the heart of a patient like a root canal treatment does. A root canal treatment has the potential to save teeth and protect your oral health, yet many misconceptions about this treatment exist. If your dentist has told you that your tooth needs a root canal treatment or if you are suffering from throbbing toothache pain, here is what you need to know.

One of the biggest misconceptions about root canal treatment is that it is painful. Even though some people suffer excruciating tooth pain that results in the need for root canal treatment, the treatment itself is usually no more painful than a dental filling. In fact, the numbing shots are mainly the most painful part of the treatment, which is generally no more painful than a dental filling. A root canal treatment is designed to remove the infection that is causing the intense pain, leaving you feeling better almost immediately. Still, some individuals may experience some tenderness for a few days after the procedure as their infections continue to heal. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to aid in the process.

Another misconception about root canal treatment is that it is easier or even more effective to simply extract, or pull, the tooth in question. In fact, it is nearly always better to try to save the tooth. Once a natural tooth is gone, you will need to replace it. If you do not replace it, adjoining teeth will start to shift, and some may even tip into the space.

Even if you do replace the lost tooth, you may be more vulnerable to certain dental issues, like tooth decay or gum disease around the dental bridge or implant if you do not keep the area clean enough. The expense associated with dental bridges and implants can also be extensive, making a root canal basically always a better choice. Also, extracting a tooth with an active infection can be a painful and even risky treatment.

Another typical misconception about root canals is that only painful teeth need endodontic treatment. In reality, some teeth may have no pain due to severe damage or infection. Dentists and endodontists have special tests that can allow them to determine if the nerve is dead, and a root canal treatment can allow them to preserve the tooth itself.

At the end, some believe that once the root canal treatment has been performed, the tooth is as good as new. However, appropriate follow-up care is necessary to making sure the tooth is completely and properly restored. Depending on the tooth itself, your dentist may place a filling, or he or she may place a crown. This restores function and strengthens the tooth so that you can use it just as you use your other teeth.

Visit BestNorthHollywoodDentist.com to learn more about root canal treatment. Our North Hollywood root canal treatment specialist can examine your teeth and determine if any of your teeth need this treatment.