Face is an important tool to communicate with rest of the world. So it‘s very important for a person to feel happy about their appearance. Over time exposure to the sun, fluctuations in weight, genetics and many other factors like smoking and exposure to pollution express their effect in the appearance of our face. Facial skin gets loosened, wrinkles and furrows develop, and the muscles of the neck, jowls, and forehead get weakened with age.

If you feel that your face looks excessively old or tired, due to sagging, drooping, excessive facial creases, or a slack jaw and neck line. Or if you have any of these:
•Loose skin, wrinkles, or excess fatty tissue in the neck.:
•Deep line that runs from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth
•Deep wrinkles in the cheeks, and sagging skin near the cheekbones
•Do not have a well defined jaw line
you need a face lift surgery.

Facelift, one of the most efficient and effective procedure helps tighten the skin of the face and neck and gives you those desired looks that you yearn for. Some benefits of Facelift Surgery are:
•Face lift firms and tightens the skin of the face and neck.
•Most effectively treats problem areas present in the lower facial regions such as the jowls and neck.
•Removes lines around your eyes, forehead wrinkles, loose skin around the neck, folds and jowls in the cheek area, and the lines around your nose and mouth (nasolabial folds).
•It helps improve the youthful appearance of mature people (about 40 years old) that have not aged yet and that wish to delay the aging process for personal or professional reasons.
•It rejuvenates the face of older people. The rejuvenating effect will be more impressive if the aging marks such as wrinkles and hanging skin are more pronounced.
•Performed together with eye lift surgery (blepharoplasty), neck lift surgery, and brow lift surgery, it completely rejuvenates the face and neck.
•The neck lift tightens skin and muscle that has become loose and hanging due to aging or hereditary family traits. It also removes excess fat from the neck and the double chin.

Face Lift is usually performed under local anesthesia with oral sedation to help you relax during the procedure. It can also be performed under general anesthesia.. The procedure of Face Lift may take anywhere from 3 - 5 hours.

The outcomes with facelift are remarkable. You can expect smoother, tauter skin on the face and neck. The appearance of the face will be brighter, fresher and more youthful. You would be surprised by the lack of pain and discomfort and your rejuvenated face will definitely bring about a change in your dressing as much as in your attitude.

For further information about Facelift ,Please visit: http://www.indicurecosmeticsurgery.com/face-lift.html or http://www.indicure.com/face_lift.html#face_lift