We are excited to share with you the latest how-to website, PupilTube.com. After 6 months of hard work we thought it was time to go live. Since 1 November 2009 the website is online and has already registered thousands of visits!

How it all started
Late 2008, the Dutch student economics Sidney Haver was looking for tutorials about the Philips Curve as textbooks failed to actively explain all aspects. As the right video explanation was very hard to find on one of the numerous video websites, we started plans for developing our own video website focused solely on tutorials, explanations, how-to's and instruction videos.

When we say ´we‘, we mean the people behind Metsol, a team of 3 young internet entrepreneurs. It‘s founder, Sidney Haver was mentioned as young talent at the age of 19 by Elsevier (Google to read the article) in 2005. Now, almost 5 years and a couple of smaller but successful projects down the road, it was time for something big.

What makes us different compared to the rest?
Well, there are many many how-to websites online as we speak, we counted over 50. The problem with 90% of these websites is that they only allow their own content. We believe internet is there for everyone, so we provide a platform that‘s free for everyone to use.

The future
As we are still in the start-up phase, we not only grab all opportunities for publicity we get (yes, we hope you will write about us), we also develop new useful features. We believe quality is the key to success, meaning we watch each and every video placed on our website. Of course, we would really love to hear from you what you would like to see on PupilTube.

Some tech-talk
The website is programmed from the ground up in ASP. The following features are integrated: register an account, upload your own video (max 50MB), submit comments, rate videos and include them using the embed feature.

We hope many people will enjoy the website. In any case, we will try our best!

Thanks for reading!