When you are a pet owner, you need to deal with all sorts of situations that are not all that pleasant. When your dog or cat tries to scratch any surface or has been locked in a room for a really long time, it can really damage the carpet or the hardwood floor. However, there is a flooring option that will most probably avoid the situations mentioned above. If you opt for cork flooring and cork underlayment, you will benefit from a range of advantages that other flooring options do not provide you with. That's because cork has some special characteristics that makes it perfect for a household where you can find pets. Let's see why cork is such a fantastic solution to all of the problems that pets might cause.


It is a known fact that cats usually try to scratch all sorts of surfaces while dogs have long toenails that will damage all sorts of floors. The good news is that cork flooring will not allow this to happen. Due to its natural properties, cork will simply modify its shape for a few minutes and then return to its initial state. That's because it can stand all sorts of levels of compression. Cork underlayment will keep your pets warm, regardless of how cold the weather is. It is a known fact that the floors are usually colder than the rest of the room. However, this is not true when it comes to cork. If you feel comfortable while walking on this type of floor, so will your pets.


Another important reason why cork flooring is a great choice for a household with pets is the fact that cork reduces noise pollutions. So, regardless of how fast your pet might be running or how high it might be jumping, you will not be bothered by the noise. You might be in the same room or close by. The noise will be reduced. If you opt for both floors and cork underlayment, you will not have to deal with pests, bacteria nor mould. That's because of the great properties of cork. So, you will not have to worry about this aspect of having pets in your home. When it comes to people with allergies, these floors are a fantastic choice.


That's because they don't lock in any hair, fact that it allows you to clean it up thoroughly. The same goes with pollen or any other allergens that might affect you. Nevertheless, if you really want to make sure that your pets can not damage your floors in any way, cork is the best option for you. Even if they are not house broken, no liquids will infiltrate into the floors. You can clean it as fast as possible and there will be no damage to the floor.

If you are a pet owner or are thinking about becoming one, you should think about opting for cork flooring and cork underlayment. The numerous benefits that come with this option will make it even easier to live with a dog or cat. Visit our website and find out what tiles suit your home best!