Ekaterina Potego and Svitlana Kosachenko are looking for sponsors to aid with an international musical project call Following Marco Polo — Music Along the Silk Road.

Nine backers have currently pledged $335 of the $3,183 goal to proceed with the CD project. The deadline to become a backer is May 21st. The project and links to sign up as a sponsor can be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/108712919/following-marco-polo-music-along-the-silk-road-cd/description.

“The project is an exchange of cultures displaying tolerance, mutual understanding and a peaceful coexistence on our planet,” Potego stated on Kickstarter.com. “Through interpreting musical pieces of different countries we try to convey and create respect and acceptance. The project combines understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence between the cultures of the world.”

Potego is an opera singer graduated at the Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow, Russia and Conservatory of Vienna Austria. She performed on the Vienna State Opera and Chamber Opera of Vienna.

Kosachenko graduated from the National P. Tchaikovsky Music Academy of Ukraine and. She work as a solo pianist and accompanist. The international musical line-up includes tunes from some of the countries along the historic Silk Road between southern Russia and Italy. The classical selections are from countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, China, and Tajikistan.

“Our music takes you on the fascinating journey through the countries of the Silk road,” according to Potego. “Like a string of pearls of di?erent cultures the songs, arias and piano pieces revive the ancient bridge.”

The ancient Silk Road was a network of trade routes (land and sea) that extended from the easternmost portions of China and southeast of Russian to Italy. Its name was derived in the 17th century, rising from the European’s demand for silk products from Asia.

“The Silk Road used to be an ancient trade channel between Asia and Europe, spanning over thousands of miles and numerous countries, leading through deserts and over mountain ranges, “Potego stated. “Not only goods but also culture and knowledge were transported from East to West and vice versa.”

This album’s musical performances are presented by Ekaterina Potego in 10 original languages — as modern vocal opera interpretations accompanied by piano.

Kosachenko explains the significance of the album, stating that it “offers the audience a beautiful musical experience while combining philosophies of different countries and continents. We wanna hope, this piece of art will contribute to making our world a better place to live!”

Kickstarter.com is a web-based platform designed to give people the means to advertise and develop their creative projects across the web. Since April of 2009, it has hosted more than 100,000 projects for film, games, art, music and more.