The Company InformSystem create INNOVATIVE self-tuning MES-System for POWER STATIONS: "MES-T2 2010" v.6.306 for calculation of technical-econmic factors with possibility of integral calculus of overspending of fuel, that vastly enlarges profit.


The Special role in Innovation MES-System "MES-T2 2010" play two moments: DLL-calculation and Self-tuning the programme Complex for any power stations.

DLL-calculation are executed on DLL-programs, which AUTOMATICALLY create in computer codes when compiling the Projects. This is reached the most high velocity of calculations that provides the realization optimization tasks of dynamic programming on real model of power stations, but, consequently, achievement greatly possible profit.

Self-tuning of the programme Complex does the possibility an unwinding big Automated Systems from striking of one Button. Herewith text Projects of technological tasks are converted in necessary forming Complex: DATABASE, Screen Tables and Reports. The Whole adjusting the Complex is executed in a matter of seconds AUTOMATICALLY. Such instant adaptation of programme Complex to constantly changing external and internal factors allows always to have the reliable mathematical model to power stations that also vastly enlarges profit.


The Integral calculus gives the rich mathematical data for modeling and studies of processes, occurring on power stations. Than interval less between calculations, that more exactly integral calculus of factors of dynamic production. For power stations, in the opinion of experts, this interval must form the half an hour.

The Overspending of fuel be equal to the differences between actual and normative expenses of fuel on released electric power and heat. The calculation of overspending of fuel on half-hour interval vastly more exactly, than month calculation.

The calculation of factors on overspending of fuel must be produced on each half-hour interval only. All day, month, quarterly and annual factors must be from half-hour importances method accumulations (the summation or averaging), rather then calculation on formulas.


Exists two variants a calculation actual and normative factors of power stations: 1 variant - calculation are executed for half-hour periods only, but on all rest (day, month, quarter, year) of factor are got the accumulation (the Integral method); 2 variant - calculation of factors are executed for all periods.

The First variant correspond to the most exact calculation, since dynamic process on power stations on consumption of fuel and on production of electric power and heats goes continuously. In each length of time is use determined amount of fuel on production of determined quantity of electric power and heats, either as exist wholly determined standards of expense of fuel in accordance with external environments, which are constantly changed: day and night, winter and summer, temperature of air.

The Second variant, which at present exists on all power stations, most inexact. And, than greater period (the month, quarter, year), that big inexactness a calculation of factors.

The Main economic factor on power stations is an overspending of fuel, since it defines the reserve of increase to economy. But inexactness of determination of this factor, which practically always is subjected to the tailoring for the reason granting acceptable data, practically deprives their this reserve, but, consequently, and prospects on increase the profit.


We will Consider example a calculation of fair-arithmetical importance on both variants, using following nonlinear graph from the sequences (x, y): (0, 0.4), (1, 0.5), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 4).

On first variant: Y = (f(1)+f(4))/2 = (0.5+4)/2 = 2.25

On second variant: Y = f((1+4)/2) = f(2.5) = 1.5

Divergence be: (2.25-1.5)/2.25*100 = 33%, this divergence speaks of enourmous error a calculation of overspending of fuel, existing on all power stations at present, where are executed only month calculations.

THE DEMONSTRATION VERSION of MES-System "MES-T2 2010" accomodation on website: