Each year, millions of people are injured either directly from their fitness exercises or because of the lack of it. It is true that you become more prone to injuries at work, home, or engaging in a little weekend game if you are not in shape. Take things slower and you will be better protected from sustaining an injury, especially if you are out of shape. Don't fall victim to injury because you do not realize how out of shape you are. This is a mistake a lot of people make. Consequently, they injure themselves by overdoing their workout or exercise. Preventing injury needs to be considered.

It doesn't matter how "old" you perceive yourself to be. Search the internet and you will see countless senior citizens who have scored triumphs with physical feats. Did you read about Fauja Singh? He's 100 years old and - even though he came in last - he is now in the Guinness Book of Records for successfully completing a marathon in Toronto in October 2011. In many different sports field, seniors over 60 years old are setting records with their accomplishments. As you can see, using your age as an excuse to stay unfit is just that - an excuse. You can always improve your health and fitness level no matter what age you are. Nonetheless, check with your doctor before beginning any fitness regimen and take your age into consideration. You don't have to rush. Just take your time and proceed easily and intelligently. You've all heard the saying, "Use it or lose it." This is especially true of your body. You must give your body food for energy and, in order to stay in top physical form, you have to exercise your body each day. Just start with whatever type of activity attracts you and, as you proceed, your intuition and your body will direct you to the optimum regimen. That is, as your body becomes more energized, your mind will follow suit. Clearer thinking will then bring to mind other procedures you can follow. Likewise, when you feel your energy start to increase and your musculature improves, you will naturally want to see even more improvement.

What you do for exercise will determine how much you tear down your body. But no matter what, you need to allow some time for your body to heal and rebuild.

Another thing to realize, in addition to allowing sufficient time between workouts, is that you need to give your body adequate sleep. It is while your body is sleeping that your muscles can repair and rebuild themselves so you will be ready for the next day and/or the next workout. One downfall worth mentioning is that if you don't allow yourself to have enough sleep, you will be more apt to sustain an injury during your workout. With adequate sleep, you will start your day "bright-eyed and bushy tailed." You energy will be high and you will function better all day long. It has always been the opinion of the medical community that everyone can improve their health and fitness at any age. Have you ignored your fitness for a long time and now you are extremely out of shape? Start a fitness regimen with a friend. It really is a lot easier to stick with a new fitness routine if you have your partner or a friend or two participate along with you. It will help you keep your commitment to working out if you have other people who plan to work out with you and you will also enjoy their company and companionship. But if not, then that is all right because you can just do it on your own. The important thing is to start - even the smallest beginning can be beneficial. Take a walk in your neighborhood or the local park and then do a few exercises - stretches are great - at home.

Shanix Pineda is a expert blogger known for writing on a varitey of subjects. His high-quality work can be seen at zeek rewards leads and on zeekler leads