SocioSquare is a full service digital marketing agency based in Mumbai. We offer an integrated suite of digital marketing solutions to effectively leverage the increasing consumer choices and engagement on social media hence resulting into social media optimization. We are internet marketing consultants offering the best of social media marketing packages essential for your business's online branding needs. We are amongst the top mobile applications developers in Mumbai. Our agency also offers the best SEO service in India.

SocioSquare is a division of AKG Media Group. Based in Philadelphia, and founded in January, 2009, AKG Media Pvt. Ltd. is operated independently by a dedicated management team of professionals with offices in Mumbai and Philadelphia.

Start months before the product launch.

Most brands would want to coincide their Social Media launch with the product launch. The reason being:

1. What will I promote if the product is not out there in the market?

2. I could lose on potential leads.

3. I don't want to answer any consumer questions until my product hits the market.

In simple words, watch the movie, no trailer for you.
The idea of launching SM and the product on the same day may not always work well. If you have something unique to sell, it always helps to show the audience a preview of it.

Some successful practices include:

1. Identifying?influencers?in your field of interest

2. Conversing with influencers and sharing related content

3. Creating a blog to share your thoughts and ideas with like minded people. Target bloggers and get them to guest blog for you

Create a?Facebook page to build a community, so a good facebook page design

4. Share the latest news on your product development and features on all platforms

5. Share the inside story of your brands by sharing photos of the happening events and the team behind the product.

6. Target active and relevant forums and groups. Converse with the audience on these forums and share your thoughts

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internet marketing consultants