For the construction of industrial furnaces, smoke ducts, chimneys, constructors use refractory materials (materiaux refractaire) in the form of refractory fire bricks, granular or powdery refractory materials, or mixtures of those types. The types of refractory material can be the following: refractory bricks, refractory mortars, refractory cement, refractory firebrick (brique refractaire), refractory raw materials, refractory concrete, refractory coatings, and refractory trodden masses.


Chamotte bricks are made by mixing natural refractory fireclay (as binder) with chamotte (as degreasing), the chamotte being the material obtained by burning and grinding the clay. The paste resulting from this mixture and water is subject to shaping by dry or wet process and then it is dried in drying places and burned in furnaces of various types (the most used being the tunnel oven). Chamotte bricks are marked with a capital letter expressing the initial of the factory, the refractory degree and the format. Marking is done on the side which is not exposed to fire.


Silica refractory bricks (brique refractaire) are made of siliceous materials, containing at least 97% SiO2, with addition of binders and mineralized materials. The manufacturing process consists of shaping in hydraulic presses and burning in stoves at high temperatures. As opposed to chamotte bricks, silica bricks are characterized by their resistance to deformation up to temperatures close to their refractoriness, enabling them to be used at such high temperatures. In contrast, the thermal-shock resistance is low, which causes their use only in continuous functioning ovens, without sudden temperature variations, especially between 20 and 600°C. Silica refractory products (materiaux refractaire) are being manufactured for various uses: for general purpose; for glass melting furnaces; for refractory bricks. Silica bricks have a yellowish colour with brown and white spots.


Magnesia refractory bricks are used in the construction of different furnaces. These bricks are of a basic nature chemically speaking, and have a degree of refractoriness and a temperature of deflection higher than other refractory materials. Magnesia refractory products are manufactured from synthesized magnetite, granulated and powdered, pressed with powerful hydraulic presses and burned in the oven at temperatures of 1300 - 1700°C. Chrome - magnesia refractory bricks are made from a mixture of chemical elements, wetted, pressed, dried and then burned in tunnel furnaces at a temperature of about 1000°C.


Refractory products containing magnesia, chrome — magnesia or dolomite are of a basic nature, chemically speaking, as opposed to the silica refractory products, which are of an acid nature or as opposed to the silica-aluminium refractory products which are usually neutral in terms of chemical characteristics.


As you can see there are different types of materiaux refractaire, made of different chemical substances and with different characteristics and purposes for usage. But the main characteristic they have in common is their high resistance to extreme temperatures. It is their ultimate goal, after all, that of withstanding extreme conditions.

Regardless of the type of refractory materials (materiaux refractaire) you are looking for, you should know that you can also look online for the specialized websites of the producers. If you need refractory brick (brique refractaire), for example, you can find all there is to know about it from the producers.