Prompting people to commit, act and decide, Hexigo, a great cloud-based collaborative decision management platform for enterprises, can indubitably be of tremendous help in improving the decision making process, connecting dispersed teams to collaborate, share their thoughts and reach group decisions faster. What you need to bear in mind is that this great idea management system can help you prevent corporate amnesia. How great is that?


You need to know that Hexigo’s patented idea management system technology can improve business collaboration, as well as the decision making process, whilst still keeping the communication informal and extremely easy to use. Should you be interested in such a great group decision making platform, then do not hesitate to go online, to, in order to learn more about it!


What you need to bear in mind about this fantastic idea management platform is that it creates a repository of absolutely all the previous decisions. Furthermore, it records the complete context of how and also why a particular decision has been made, not just the final outcome, thus increasing transparency, enabling people from within the group to learn from past decisions and to prevent corporate amnesia. What is more, knowledge is never lost with the help of Hexigo’s idea management system. You are also able to assess the effectiveness of decision makers and of the entire decision making process.


Furthermore, it tracks the entire decision-making process, thus promoting a culture of transparency and ensuring accountability. You and your partners or employees will not have any more excuses for not being involved in the decision making process. You need to bear in mind that the idea of being more transparent, as well as accountable in the decision-making process will improve effectiveness, reliability, as well as decision-making.


What you should also know about Hexigo’s decision and idea management system is that it makes sure that you never miss an important decision. It has status updates, as well as built-in notifications. This idea management system is extremely easy to use and requires no training, IT support, downloads or anything to install in order to get started. You will have your entire group or organization connected in mere seconds. What is more, you need to bear in mind that Hexigo has been created with the idea of being 100% competent, prompt, easy to use and efficient. If you and your team want to start using it and see how you can benefit from it, then you are encouraged to simply go online, to, and to follow the given steps. Yes, it is as simple as that!

Would you like to be able to benefit from the help of a fantastic cloud-based collaborative decision management platform that can improve business productivity? Then you need to start using Hexigo! It has a fantastic idea management system which enables you to turn the decision making process into an easier one and to keep track of all the changes that have been made!