Emotional Atyachaar brings the story of a heartbroken girl who picks up the pieces and emerges victorious

~This week, the show features the story of a girl who was tricked into an unhappy marriage and abandoned by the person who she thought was the one~

When you trust someone blindly and put your lives in their hands, you have to be prepared to expect the worst too. And the victim in this week’s story learned this the hard way. This is the story of Arpana, a dutiful daughter who is to be wed to Akash, as per the wishes of her parents. Her only wish, to meet Akash once before the wedding, wasn’t fulfilled as Akash lived in Canada and would be coming to India only for the wedding. After looking at his pictures, Arpana liked his appearance and personality and said yes to the marriage.


Arpana met Akash on the day of the wedding and in the little conversation that they had, she found him smart, witty and sweet. After the wedding however, her welcome was nothing like what she expected. Akash was cold and distant but she put it down to fatigue and forgot about it. The next day Arpana was in for a shock when she discovered that Akash was a divorcee. However in spite of this breaking of trust, Arpana did not end the marriage because she was determined to fulfil her duties as a wife. Soon after, Akash left for Canada and Arpana was to follow but the departure was delayed for years. Finally, Arpana wentto Canada to begin her life anew. She envisaged that Akash would be pleased to see her but again she was let down once again. He told her that he did not want to be with her and that she is of no use to him but she did not want to give up on her marriage yet. Akash made Arpana’s life hell by getting home random strangers and getting intimate with them in front of her. One day, under false pretexts, Akash took Arpana to a seedy apartment and told her that she was to live here now as he was already married and he could not take care of two wives.


After listening to this, Arpana was broken beyond repair but she did not give up. She did not return to India defeated but was determined to make Akash pay for what he had done to her. She reached out to various NGOs and lawyers who could help her in her fight against injustice. Does she get what she deserves? Does Arpana make Akash pay for his selfishness?


To find out,tune into ‘Emotional Atyachaar 4’, this Saturday, 28thDecember 2013, at 7pm only on bindass!

For more information

PR 24x7 Network Limited

Atul Malikram

[email protected]
