A mood disorder is a mental condition that includes, for example, depression and bipolar disorder. This condition may be caused by an imbalance of the brain chemicals and may be triggered by some life events. Sudden and unwanted life changes, being suddenly jobless, death in the family, a divorce, financial trouble and sometimes giving birth to a baby can contribute to a depressed mood.  All these can be difficult and troublesome to cope with.


At any time, a person can feel depressed or sad, but a mood disorder is more difficult to manage because it is more intense than just feeling blue. In the general population, the chances of feeling depressed in females is 12%, while in males, it is 6.6%, which  means that the chances for women are twice as high as that for men. There is also a possibility for children to be diagnosed with this condition, especially if one or both parents are experiencing depression.


Living with a partner who has a mood disorder is just like living with a partner with an illness for life, diabetes for example. This illness just won’t go away. However, for some people their feeling of depression may improve or get better, but may also re-occur.  Bipolar disorder is a life long illness and a person may show impulsive or dangerous behavior.


If you live in Denver, Colorado and your partner experiences intense depression, the important thing to remember is that he/she needs help, in the form of therapy and/or medication.  You, too, should receive therapy, as a mood disorder can affect your entire household. So, the best support that you can give to your spouse is to find a couples therapist in Denver who can provide education about depression, treatment and prognosis.


With counseling by the couple therapist in Denver, you will know what to expect, and how you can show support to your partner without hurting him/her. When you support, you are offering a helping hand to your spouse; when you spoon-feed him/her, you are doing all the tasks for him/her that can result in making your partner being depressed all the more. You can help by offering to attend the sessions, go to the doctor’s clinic or do other things that will help him/her to receive treatment.


A couple therapist in Denver can help you save your relationship even if your partner is experiencing depression.  Denver has a lot of couple therapists, who can help make your life better, so you can live the life you want to live. It is important to create a balance where you support the needs of your partner and also continue to meet your needs even as socializing and attend events with people. Find your couples therapist now and start a new, happy life with your partner and kids. Don’t be overwhelmed with the problem because then it’ll only make things worse for you and your partner.


Are you suffering from a mood disorder or need a couple therapist Denver then click on the links.