Big pharma marijuana is coming soon to a Canadian licensed producer near you.  If you need it for approved medical reasons, you can now get it legally under Health Canada’s new Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR), enacted on June 10, 2013.  The regulations create the framework for a medical cannabis commercial industry that is responsible for its production and distribution, with standards modeled on those of big pharma.

Medical marijuana has everything to do with water, both waste and drinking water. That’s why Water Today is doing a four part series on this whole deal.

Our interest is not to discuss the therapeutic value of ‘marihuana’, or its use in a regulated environment, or frankly whether or not it will get bunnies stoned, but rather to look into, and learn from, a regulated plant growing process being developed in one of the most lucrative of all markets, narcotics.

As the world runs out of land and water, and our planet is asked to feed an ever growing population, creative ways to feed ourselves will have to be found. The value of these closely monitored medical plant growing facilities, where every single resource a plant needs - from water to nutrients - is precisely controlled to maximize yields and minimize waste, is of outmost interest. And the industry has the money to do it.

When it comes to water, it is widely accepted that treating and distributing clean drinking water through old infrastructures and with ever increasing pollutants is fast becoming a losing battle.  As municipalities are overcome by the costs of up keeping safe water systems, a new approach is needed, an approach that can be modeled on avoiding the problems rather than trying to fix them once they exist.  A close examination of the medical cannabis producer facilities may well provide clues.

Our report is divided in four parts, the regulatory framework, the tracking software, the growing facilities, and water. Go to Water Today( for Part 1 of our report.

WATER TODAY is an independent media about water in Canada. It is built on an 8-year tradition of fair reporting, investigative journalism, and punctual water advisory monitoring.

For information
Josée Dechêne
Water Today
Ottawa, ON
[email protected]