The reaction many people have about the Ice Cream Diet is typical, and they tend to look at it and wonder if it's for real. Let's see, you want to drop some weight, but you eat ice cream - not just eat it, but eat it everyday. Does seem contradictory. The plan with the Ice Cream Diet most certainly is to eat delicious ice cream every day, and you follow the diet guidelines to lose weight. What follows is our review of the Ice Cream Diet - you'll find out if it's all hype and nonsense, or not.

Saturated fats are found in animal products, Ice Cream is not especially low in that area. You can eat cheese, meat and fish while on the Ice Cream Diet. You need some amounts of saturated fat to be healthy. Follow the recommendations of the ice cream diet to avoid over indulging in saturated fat with this otherwise low calorie diet. The Ice Cream Diet may be a healthy alternative to the conventional diets. Ok, you know you'll eat ice cream; but the basic diet is made up of fiber, fruits, veggies, and good protein. Then as you know there is the ice cream, but still they make recommendations such as organic ice cream. If you want a low fat/sugar ice cream, there is always gelato; an Italian ice cream that is good. We've seen excellent ice creams in better health food stores that do not contain all the sugar and fats like normal ice cream. If you do that, then you really will reap the maximum rewards the Ice Cream Diet has to offer.

This diet is based on sound principles that are no real secret, and the ice cream bit isn't needed at all. You'll discover that women are limited to 1500 cals per day, and men limited to 2000 cals per day. Of course you're supposed to do some kind of regular exercise routine that will help with burning off the fat. Theoretically, if you wanted to you could eat your daily limit in ice cream, but who wants to do that? It's interesting because you can really eat a little bit of something "bad" for you every day, just as long as you follow the plan - and you'll still lose weight. Marketing has more to do with Ice Cream Diet name than the actual necessity of eating ice cream.

Ice Cream sounds like a fun and easy way to lose weight. Sticking with the rules is easier with this diet. You can consider the pluses and minuses of this diet that we've discussed here and make up your own mind if you want to try the Ice Cream Diet.

Tonio Choate is a well-known author, He has been writing different blogs on different topics like health,nutrition,supplements etc .Checkout his article on MLM Lead System Pro success and on empower network