Various Material Used for Dental Fillings

Eating a healthy diet, brushing and flossing daily along with seeing your dentist on a regular basis are some of the best ways to avoid dental decay. Dental decay is caused by the bacteria in your mouth, which create acidic waste in response to the foods you eat. This...

What Does a Root Canal Treatment Do?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is the treatment that treats the inner pulp of a tooth. This pulp tissue contains the nerve of the tooth, blood vessels, lymph vessels and connective tissue. The pulp is contained in the pulp chamber and the...

What are the Advantages of Dentures?

Dentures are custom-made false teeth intended to replace missing teeth. They can replace an entire arch of teeth or just a few missing teeth. Full dentures, or dentures that replace all your teeth, are supported by the hard and soft palates while partial dentures are...