You will find a powerful concept I learned recently. Method . the “Principle of Automation,” and so i would like to share the technique along today.

In our life there are many stuff can be performed only once by setting it, and forget it completely. The machine you familiar with place it will handle it, and also you automatically make the most of it afterward.


In the event you check out the picture of an iceberg on-line, merely a small part of the iceberg is above sea level. A lot of the iceberg is under sea level. Our mind is similarly. The very best part is our conscious mind. Underneath part would be the subconscious. The highest part is to do things consciously thinking. Click here read more Set it and Forget it System.

Only ask you the question – “Are you considering your right toe?” Now, after i asked that question, you pondered your right toe. But, before this moment, your right toe hasn’t been mentally. Rrt had been held in your subconscious. After i reminded you about it, you brought it your conscious mind.

Technologies have advanced this sort of amazing way in which we can automate anything in our life. You’re making everything automatic. As you the choice is yours, you no way.

Let us discuss few areas in our life when we finally can automate things.

1) Breaks. If you are planning to study for 75 minutes, you set the alarm for 75 minutes. Then study. When you’d like to use an opportunity, you set the alarm for any. The alarm – on your 10 min break – can be a conscious choice. Congratulations, you don’t really need to engage the conscious on as soon as your break can easily. If it ends, the alarm will remind you.

2) Meal-delivery plan. You can automate your diet to suit your needs. The meals are positioned and so are automatically coming over to you. You’ve setup the machine that performs meals to your account. Now, the unit will handle everything for yourself.

3) Follow-up appointments. When there is something you have delegated into a team, and they also say they are going to get back to you in two days, then you certainly say, “No problem!” Visit your calendar and enter in the information as well as set an indication. And then, you basically no way. After 48 hrs, you get the reminder, and life’s good!

4) Finances. We are able to automate our finances. You create a conscious decision when you deposit the income and now have your bank get it done for you personally. You return some day, and you have a mountain of greenbacks – grown automatically by the system. To your bank card, you possibly can set up automatic payments..

5) Charity. We can automate charity. If you have a great non-profit organization that you’d like to lead to, although you may come up with a conscious decision to repay it on a monthly basis, you would possibly forget. Instead, you can create it automatic. You subscribe to monthly withdrawal.

6) Workouts. For workouts, purchase a personal training. While you determine that has a fitness instructor, you can expect to figure out six times more than usual. He is similar to a private coach back. You do have a set starting time and date on your workout, and you also automatically perform exercise this time.

7) Facebook and Twitter messages. You could have an enterprise and workout social websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. You’ll be able to automate each of the messages for a week, or over. There are plenty of websites to schedule your Facebook, Twitter together with other social websites posts. It’s my job to schedule them to get a week, and the next week, I actually do precisely the same for one more week.

8 ) Email newsletters. You can schedule your email newsletters for being sent in the with time. You prepare your email content, set the content as it, and then you forget it. All my newsletters are scheduled ahead of time, and perhaps they are sent automatically via the email system.

9) Thanks a ton and christmas cards. You possibly can schedule thank you or some other christmas cards for being sent in a with time. You no doubt know the important dates and occasions, you recently enter these people to a minute card system. You add it, and lose focus on it.

10) A mentor for a major goal. You happen to be preparing for an assessment, or else you have a specific goal. You could have a personal mentor to your goal, and you can schedule certain days and times to work alongside the mentor. As soon as you schedule them, you no doubt know you might be moving to accomplish your favorite luxury goal.

11) 24/7 websites. You could make an internet site that either publishes articles, or have service which you offer to the people 24/7. For my articles, I write once, and perhaps they are read too many times worldwide in just one day. Pursuits like this can be translated to revenue within your bank-account. This is whats called, “residual income.” (Read more about this later)

12) Virtually anything. Using the growth of technology, you could virtually automate any scenario that you would like. You basically work it and end up forgetting it. The system will handle itself.