Individuals that have recently lost one of their permanent teeth will need to contact their local dentist immediately so that they can avoid some of the major medical problems that can begin to take place after tooth loss. There are now a number of restorative options available to these individuals, and individuals that would like a permanent solution may enjoy the benefits that only dental implants will be able to give them. Not all individuals will be good candidates for this procedure, still, and that is why everyone that is currently struggling with the loss of one or more teeth should understand some of the main causes for tooth loss, how the implant surgery is carried out, and a few minor steps that can be taken to improve one's chances of a successful procedure.

A completely healthy tooth will stay vibrant and straight for an individual's whole life. This is because the interior of every single tooth is comprised of pulp, the living matter that continues to provide nutrients to the outer enamel and dentin layers. If the pulp is damaged for any reason though, the tooth may become brittle and eventually die. Any damage that takes place to the root of the tooth, one's jaw, or even the gums can result in tooth loss as well.

The traditional treatment for this condition is removable dental appliances such as dental dentures and dental bridges. These appliances could be held in place by cementing them to the surrounding natural teeth or to the unique structure of the interior of the patient's mouth. While effective for restoring a smile, some individuals were in search of restorative treatment options that required less maintenance and would last for a longer period.

More individuals than ever are now looking to dental implants to restore their smile, however this procedure will not be the right choice for everyone. The dentist will begin this process by anchoring surgical-grade rods into the mouth in the area that has been left exposed by the missing teeth. As the mouth heals, it will form a tight bond with the implants in a process referred to as osseointegration. After the mouth has fully healed, the dentist can then attach custom bridges or dentures to the dental crown to restore the smile.

Any serious ailments or habits that the individual carries out could affect the final results of the treatment. This includes dental caries, periodontal disease, oral cancer, heavy drinking, or the use of tobacco products. Individuals that are currently struggling with one of these conditions may need to speak with their dentist first to see what restorative methods may be right for them. This includes the possibility of restoring one's oral health before utilizing dental implants.

Visit for more information about dental implants. Robert Mondavi DDS, Torrance dental implants specialist uses dental implants in combination with other treatments to replace missing teeth.