It will never take much for a patient to realize that they have gone for months or even years without receiving professional dental services. This can take place for a number of reasons, and some continue to struggle with fears or phobias over dental treatments. For individuals that have not received a complete checkup in the past six months or have recently started to experience pain or other issues with their teeth and gums, sedation dentistry may be just what is needed to get back into the dentist's chair.

There are a number of reasons in which a patient may begin to develop fear, anxiety, or phobias over dental treatments. Many individuals are simply protective over their teeth and gums and feel as if this area of their body is extremely sensitive to pain. Other individuals may have had adverse experiences with a dentist in the past and experienced pain during one or more of their treatments. Finally, some develop these fears because of stigmas in their culture as well as influences from their family and friends.

Whatever the reasons may be, all those with a low tolerance for pain, anxiety over dental treatments, or a sensitive gag reflex may benefit from the use of sedatives during their next appointment. Some of the leading dentists from around the country will offer three basic types of sedatives including an oral form. Oral sedatives are pills that can be taken immediately before the treatment or the night before the treatment. These options are not meant to dull one's senses or reduce the chance of pain. Rather, oral sedatives will mainly put the patient at ease and allow them to remain relaxed throughout their treatment.

Inhaled sedatives, often referred to as laughing gas, are taken directly before the treatment or procedure. Inhaled sedatives come in the form of an odorless and tasteless gas that will often result in the patient not remembering much of their treatment, if any at all. It will not only put the individual at ease, but most report that they feel nothing at all throughout the appointment.

For those that will be undergoing the most invasive of treatments or have a severe phobia over dental treatments, IVs are another alternative. These are simply sedatives that are placed directly into the patient's blood stream and it can be any mixture that will either put the individual completely under or allow them to not feel any pain or discomfort.

No one should ever forgo professional dental services for longer than 6 months. With the number of sedation dentistry services that are currently available, there are now more options than ever for all those that would like to smile with confidence and avoid serious oral health problems.

Visit, Los Angeles dental center for more information. Our Los Angeles sedation dentist can provide you with more information as well.