Eczema is scientifically known as atopic dermatitis but physically it is just a non-contagious chronic skin disorder that results to an itchy, red, raised rash that may weep or ooze clear fluid. Psoriasis, on the other hand, can be caused by stress and excessive alcohol consumption. Fingernails and toenails are the usual body areas affected by psoriasis.

It is important to discuss these diseases to avoid confusing it with Athlete?s Foot. Some symptoms of Athlete?s Foot include bumps on the feet and these bumps can be innocent bumps caused by too much walking but can be a start of Athlete?s Foot already.

Cracked, blistered or peeling areas in any area of the feet is also a bad sign most especially if such things occur in between toes because in between the toes is the area of specialty of fungus. Redness and scaling on the sole part of the feet can also be counted as a symptom although it is not such a strong symptom. Rashes always signal some irregularities so rashes in the feet area is something you should give attention to.

Athlete?s Foot looks really gross. It is very yucky because it usually damp and scaly that it makes anyone with the disease very uncomfortable. Since it breeds somewhere between the toes, it is very icky that any movement becomes squeaky. Other people who might get a peek at your condition might stay away from you because of the ugly sight they saw. So while it is not good to expose your fungus to the whole world, it is not good to cover it up as well because it might spread more if it is covered up.

Athlete?s Foot is trouble. It should be one?s goal then to stay away from having that condition simply by taking care of one?s self. Caring for your body is a must that you should never take for granted otherwise you might regret it. In the end, all the standard practices you took the time to do and occasional pampering you paid for will pay off. The feet are a part of the body that we use all the time so it deserves the most care and pampering.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.
Constantine Kara devotes his time in writing and searching for articles to treat and remedy many types of skin conditions and infections. Visit his site at Yeast & Fungal Infection BLOG