Diet and Exercise are the two most effective ways to lose weight but when these two fail to reduce those extra kilos, weight loss surgery is the treatment of choice. With proven benefits in reducing weight to a large extent, bariatric surgeons have recommended weight loss surgery to trounce morbid obesity and associated health hazards. 

Minimally invasive techniques have given credence to effective weight loss owing to the least invasion and trauma caused to the tissue unlike traditional weight loss procedures. 

There are two main minimally invasive approaches used to treat obesity - Restrictive weight loss procedures and Mal-absorptive weight loss procedures. 

 Restrictive Weight Loss Procedures

Restrictive weight loss surgery works with the mechanism of restricting the amount of food intake. The surgery makes a person feel less hungry and fuller soon. The procedure thus restricts the calorie intake thereby leading to effective weight loss. Restrictive weight loss surgery does not interfere with the normal digestion of food and thus acts as an adjuvant to effective weight loss.   

The different types of restrictive weight loss procedures are:

·         Sleeve Gastrectomy

        Sleeve Gastrectomy is a restrictive weight loss procedure which limits the food by reducing the size of the stomach. A vertical sleeve of stomach is created using a surgical stapling device through keyhole surgery.  The sleeve is banana shaped and holds over 50 — 150 millimeters. The rest of the stomach is removed and the gastric sleeve surgery holds about 1/10th of what the stomach could hold before the procedure. The surgery also helps in resolving many health problems such as sleep apnea, back pain, depression etc.

·         Swedish Adjustable Gastric banding SAGB

Developed in Sweden in 1996, the technique involves placing a low-pressure soft band around upper most part of the stomach. SABG divides stomach into two sections with a small opening between the sections which allow food to pass through. The division makes food to quickly collect in the upper section which makes patients to feel full sooner and eat less.

Mal-absorptive Weight Loss Procedures

Mal absorptive weight loss surgery works by altering the digestion of food. The food is poorly digested and the incompletely absorbed food is eliminated out in stool. Mal absorptive procedures also work in conjunction with the restrictive weight loss procedures. The technique of mal — absorptive surgery involves use of surgical staples which create a bypass of small intestine and limit absorption of calories.

The different types of mal-absorptive procedures are: 

·         Biliopancreatic Diversion  

BPD is a mal-absorptive procedure which entails removal of approximately ¾ of the stomach to cause restriction of food intake and acid output. The upper portion of the stomach is retained so as to maintain proper nutrition. The anatomy of the small intestine is changed such that the small intestine is divided in such a way that the one end of the intestine is attached to the stomach pouch to create an “alimentary limb”. The reason for creating such a division is that the food which moves through this segment is not much absorbed. The bile and pancreatic juices pass through another limb called “bilio-pancreatic limb” which is attached to the other end of the intestine. This is the common limb which supplies digestive juices to regulate the absorption of fat, fat soluble vitamins and proteins.

There are other mal-absorptive procedures such as:

 ·         Biliopancreatic Diversion with 'Duodenal Switch'

·         Extended (Distal) Roux-en-Y Gatric Bypass (RYGBP-E)   

Combined Restrictive and Mal-absorptive Procedures

· Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery is a combination of restrictive and mal-absorptive procedures. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery involves stapling of a small portion of the stomach to create a stomach pouch. The remaining portion of the stomach is stapled and divided from this pouch. The outlet of the pouch empties into the lower part of intestine called jejunum thus bypassing calorie absorption. The variation of gastric bypass surgery is extended Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.

Cost Factor — A constraint for people looking for weight loss surgery in the first world countries

With advent of minimally invasive weight loss surgeries, there has been a significant rise in the trend of undergoing bariatric surgery among people living in USA, UK, Canada, Australia and other European countries. Although the trend is constantly mounting because of the sedentary lifestyle and junk eating habits, yet cost remains a constraint for people looking for obesity surgery in western countries.

Comparing the cost of restrictive weight loss procedure or of mal-absorptive procedure, one can see a huge difference in the cost of weight loss surgery in India as compared to USA or UK. For instance, gastric sleeve surgery in UK costs as much as £12,000 approximately $ 20,000 in USA, whereas the average cost of sleeve gastrectomy in India is merely $6500. Needless to say, getting sleeve gastrectomy at a super-specialty hospital in India is a great extent cheaper in India rather than undergoing a gastric sleeve surgery at NHS.

Medical tourism is one of the best ways that has helped many people avail weight loss surgery at world class hospitals in India. IndiCure is one of the most distinguished medical tourism companies that arrange bariatric surgery with the most renowned weight loss surgeons in India. For more information about weight loss surgery options and cost,

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