Practically from the moment you thought about getting involved in Internet Marketing you probably got messages about email marketing. You have probably heard again and again about how email marketing is where you will make your real money when you use the Internet to earn a living. There is a reason this is said so often: it's the truth. A website can bring in a sale or two (or even three) but your email is what will truly lure in the high profits. This doesn't mean, however, that you should be allowed to be lazy in the way you go after your email marketing. The following hints and tips are just what you need to make sure that you build the best and most profitable foundation possible for yourself.

Rule number one - never collect e-mails unless you have the permission and consent of the subscriber. It's one thing to have an opt-in box. The problem with just an opt-in box is that anybody's email address can be entered into it. To avoid any problems, and prevent anyone from labeling you as a spammer, confirmation e-mails must be sent out to those that subscribe. Once this is sent out, and they confirm, you cannot be accused of sending unwanted e-mails. Once they have confirmed, they are in essence agreeing to receive your e-mails.

Test each and every email before you send it out. The easiest way to do this is to simply send it to yourself and maybe to a few trusted individuals. This is how, if you are sending out HTML based emails, that there are no holes in your code and that your chosen graphics look correct. Try to remember that not all Internet Service Providers will allow your emails to be displayed the same way. So, before you send anything out make sure you like the way it looks. The only way to see the same thing your recipients see is to send the email to yourself.

Work as hard as you are able to to get your list to trust you and then work as hard as you are able to keep the trust that you have been given. The best way to do this is by promoting only the things that you know are worth being promoted. Before you recommend anything to your list, test it out yourself. After all, would you recommend a product to your best friend before you know for sure that it is as great as the hype says it is? You wouldn't! Then why would you even think of attempting it on your list? The fastest way to ensure your complete failure at email marketing is to try to sell or to recommend a product that doesn't work. Once your list loses faith in you, you can never regain it. In conclusion, your e-mail marketing efforts, if you are to build a strong foundation, may require quite a bit of effort on your part. You already know that a strong foundation is integral to your overall support-this is true no matter what you want to do to earn money. Without a good foundation, it's highly likely that the emails you send aren't really going to get you anywhere. To be successful, use the tips in this article to build your foundation so that you will have a winning list.

Santos Crumrine is a rising star in the blogging world who writes articles on affiliate marketing, advertising and MLM. His passion for blogging draws readers all over the world. Checkout his articles on MLM Lead System Pro success and on My Video Talk success