02, December 2015: Art is one of the few things that truly seperates people from the rest of the natural world. Video games are an extension of that separation, a medium that allows the artist and the viewer to interact in a tangible way. To celebrate the value of art in videogames, and to celebrate their upcoming novel, your favorite browser RPG Wartune is holding an art contest.


Last week Proficient City staff began receivingfan art, with willing artists hoping to have their art featured in the upcoming novel. The Proficient City staff were delighted by the enthusiastic response on Facebook, and are excited to help upcoming artists show their work.The event isn’t over yet, though andthey’re hopingfor more contributions.They want to know how Wartune makes you feel, what you find most interesting. You can draw or paint or collage on photograph anything to do with Wartune: your favorite character or weapon, or your most hated boss, as long as it’s original art.


Art is an interaction. It’s an interaction between people, between ideas, between the artist and the medium. And interactions are what’s important, right? Art is another way to show how you feel those around you, which you love and play with. It’s another way to make connections in the real world.

You have the chance to make this connection with the thousands of people who will read the novel, but you’ll get more than that. Not only are they giving away in-game currency to some of the many artists, but they’re also giving away some limited-edition Wartune postcards. The postcards only get a single run, and if you and some friends manage to get the full set of six, you’ll see a special message from a mysterious sender.The postcards have been made with love, joy, resolution and Proficient City staff’s best wishes for your dedication these past 3 years.



If you want to receiveone of these special postcards then stay updated on the Wartune Novel and get drawing: https://www.facebook.com/Wartune/

For more information on the Wartune Novel you can also visit:

Wartune Novel Official Web Page: http://www.wartune.com/novel/index.html.
Wartune Official Website: http://www.wartune.com/